Names from the pilots.

Erm, Cricket is a 'lass', not 'laddie'.



SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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Like Death said, Cricket is not a "lad". And if she has never had a good beer, that's probably because there is no such thing
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Talking of German beer: Has someone ever tried the thing they call Kölsch? <shudder> Tastes like a brown crayon dissolved in water with spices added to it! Bah!

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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Ah, beer. As a non-beerdrinking person it is my curse to life in Belgium: the country with the most kinds of beers in the world. We've got like 260 or 360 different kinds of beers (I'll check the exact amount)
Here it's cheap as hell, but in the rest of the world our clever marketing guys are selling it as "a high quality beverage" making the rest of the world paying almost the triple (sometimes even more) of the original price

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Beer is sourish bubbly soda that smells bad. Nobody drinks beer becuase of the taste, they just drink it to get drunk.
I was under the impression there were no women taking an active part in the CZ

I hate when people make uniformed judgements about beer, saying all beer is bad or tastes like whatever foul substance is like saying all water is bad.

Nighthawk, I never had that one.

The is no such thing as good beer? Ok depending on which country you are in the supply of good beer can vary, even in the US, most people never get past the mass produced cheap liquid that many Americans drink by the case calling it beer.

There are as many grades of beer as there are varieties of soda, most of which taste to me like supersaturated sugar water.

So it's a matter of taste.

BTW, this reminds me of that dairy ad that has a presidential candidate saying he doesn't like cheese-he lost the election because of it. I don't like beer sounds like it could be used by the microbrewers of America to a similar effect.

[This message has been edited by Death's Head (edited February 16, 2000).]
You wouldn't know if I were a girl or a guy since you weren't really here that long, I think.

I live in Canada, we're supposed have some of the best beer in the world. I still haven't ever liked one. Not that surprising actually, since I've only tried like two brands.

Okay so maybe some people like the taste of beer, but I can't stand it.
Yay Canada!
Why Beer is Better than God

- You can prove you have a Beer.
- There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.
- You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second beer.
- Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer.
- When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.
- They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.
- No beer has ever caused a major war.
- Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.
- No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.
- If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Well, I didn't. Even if you meant that as a joke TC, just like with politics, you shouldn't talk about religion. There are people from all over the world here, and all of them have different opinions. Now, if it was related to WC in a way, that I supose it would be OK.
Seriously... That is taking it a little too far. Jokes that insult a religion are bad, someone saying that their religion is better than others is bad, discussing the way a religion works is bad... When one makes referances that, in all but one place, doesn't refer to one religion in particular there is normally no real problem (unless the joke is overtly insulting)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Right, time to be Moderator again...

You're both right, and you're both wrong

TC: Religion can indeed be an extremely dangerous topic, particularly because people get even more fanatical about it than about politics. However:
Earthworm: Relax. What TC said skirts the edges of the asteroid belt known as Violent Religion Debates, but it doesn't go that far. It was a joke, and it didn't offend any particular religion. Let's just accept it as a joke and leave it at that.

At the first sign of trouble though, I will delete your post, TC. And next time, be more careful about your choice of jokes... this is a multicultural chatzone, after all.

[Exiting Moderator mode]

Kalkrath: They actually let you into a church?

[just a joke... don't get jumpy]
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You just said watch the religion jokes and you crack another one yourself?

I agree TC had no malicious intent, maybe it wasn't the most ideal joke, but again it was a joke, it's not like anyone feels relgion has caused most of the wars in history, or religion is in any real way bad. Opinions vary and from what I know, most of us live in free countries and part of that freedom involves freedom of speech. That however is not the issue, the issue is beer.

Frankly, if you don't like beer you won't be spending much time in pilot country.

Let's not get into a religious arguement, eh, this isn't the place for it. Any religion other than Wing Commanderology should be IMO, kept to private emails. This is, afterall a public place. Some of us are as we know, sensitive to such remarks.

Don't look conspicuous-it draws fire.
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Death's Head: That wasn't a religion joke. It was a Kalkrath joke
. Kalkrath knows that he's allowed to make jokes about me too, so he won't feel offended, I'm sure.

I really don't think that pilots drink all that much beer. If you think about it, for them incapacitation of any degree may well result in death. The WCP image of pilots as "a constantly partying crowd, man" is totally unrealistic. Which is not to say that they don't drink at all, but probably not very much.
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Neat novel reference, TC!

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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