meet the poster

My first real game was wing commander 1. I remember being heartbroken with wing2 came out and the sales rep telling me all my friends died.
Seller: "Buying Wing 2, eh? Well, you know, all your friends died."
Tarsus: "Oh, well. At least I'll have more time to play Wing 2."
Seller: "No, I mean, inside the game... they all died in Wing 2."
Tarsus: "Noooooooooooooooooooo!"
Heh, it was always kind of funny how the claw being torpedoed was super shocking and heart-wrenching, then everyone you cared about showed up alive one by one. Halcyon and Shotglass were the only characters who didn't survive, weren't they?
Didn't Halcyon retire? I think it's only the crewman that thumbs ups you at the end of the mission that died.
and have logged way to many hours in priv, beating the game in my favorite ship.

Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one. I had a trophy pic of the Tarsus at Delta Prime but I've lost it now. It's a total bitch to do but it's a fun achievement.
Heh, it was always kind of funny how the claw being torpedoed was super shocking and heart-wrenching, then everyone you cared about showed up alive one by one. Halcyon and Shotglass were the only characters who didn't survive, weren't they?

When Blair confronts Jazz, he says, "How many deaths are you responsible for, Colson? Specialist McGuffin, General Halcyon, Iceman, Knight, Hunter, everyone else on the Tiger’s Claw… And Mariko… And you think I’ll let you live, bastard? No, I don’t think so…" So it heavily implies that Halcyon did die on the Claw. Of course, we later learn about how Hawk found Iceman's body and Hunter dies in the novels, but there's also a second corroboration on page 161 of the WC1&2 Strategy Guide: "Colonel Halcyon, Lefty, Shotglass, and more than 750 others were dead." Shotglass, on the other hand, is also referenced in the Armada Voices of War manual, which has given some people hope he may have somehow survived too: "There’s the brass wing Shotglass gave me after K’Tithrak Mang." The Claw was destroyed on attack approach to K'tithrak Mang, so it seems more than a coincidental reference, but lacking any other data point, the strategy guide calling him dead seems to be it.
Hello all. My name is Lee, and I'm a 54- yr. old Engineer out of South Carolina. I like to consider myself part of the original video game generation, as I weaned off of PONG and still own my Atari 2600 I got as a sophomore in high school, in 1980. My favorite video game was Galaga - my friend and I would flip the game dozens of times, scoring in the millions each, and at one local video game parlor the game's motherboard burned out, and the owner blamed us for that, LOL. Couldn't really blame him though - we'd be on that game for hours playing, off of only 50 cents.

Have always loved FPS games and flight combat style games. I got the Privateer game as a classic CD game from Origin for a Win95 Packard Dell PC I got in '95, and enjoyed the game immensely. When the Privateer 2 game came out, I got that as well, and like the 1st version I played both into the ground until the PC crashed in 2003. Instead of fixing the old box, I replaced it with a WinXP PC, and fell out of playing the games until I found the Privateer gm in DOS format online for downloading, and played it again until the original HD on my PC crashed during a bad winter storm.

Anyhow, I just recently found the Privateer 2 DOS gm at and decided to give it a try. Just starting out with it, but enjoying it thus far, bringing back the memories. Cheers!
Hello all. My name is Lee, and I'm a 54- yr. old Engineer out of South Carolina. I like to consider myself part of the original video game generation, as I weaned off of PONG and still own my Atari 2600 I got as a sophomore in high school, in 1980. My favorite video game was Galaga - my friend and I would flip the game dozens of times, scoring in the millions each, and at one local video game parlor the game's motherboard burned out, and the owner blamed us for that, LOL. Couldn't really blame him though - we'd be on that game for hours playing, off of only 50 cents.

Have always loved FPS games and flight combat style games. I got the Privateer game as a classic CD game from Origin for a Win95 Packard Dell PC I got in '95, and enjoyed the game immensely. When the Privateer 2 game came out, I got that as well, and like the 1st version I played both into the ground until the PC crashed in 2003. Instead of fixing the old box, I replaced it with a WinXP PC, and fell out of playing the games until I found the Privateer gm in DOS format online for downloading, and played it again until the original HD on my PC crashed during a bad winter storm.

Anyhow, I just recently found the Privateer 2 DOS gm at and decided to give it a try. Just starting out with it, but enjoying it thus far, bringing back the memories. Cheers!

Welcome aboard! :)
Hi Everyone!

My name is Dan and I'm a Wingnut..

I am 36 years old From Colchester in the UK but I am now living in Abu Dhabi in the UAE after retiring from the Royal Air Force, I don't post all too often but Ive been visiting for at least 15 years maybe more!

My first exposure to WC was the first game on the Amiga.. I remember finding the book Freedom Flight and in the back was an ad for WC2 which I had no idea existed imagine my disappointment when I discovered I needed a PC which I didn't have! I got my hands on 3 and 4 on the PlayStation around 1997 but it took until 2 was on GOG before I could finally play that and the add on's for 1
Even though I've been with my wife forever we actually just officially got married on the19th. Here is a pic of us along with our parents


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Well, my profile says I discovered this place in 2008. Now a few things about my Wing Commander history and me.

I started on Wing Commander 1 for the IBM when machines were still in the infancy period. Sound Blaster became the defacto must-have AND you needed to know your Autoexec and Command batch files for DOS.

I've played and put up recordings on YouTube of my Let's Play from WC1 to the end of Prophecy: Special Operations.

I am ex-military, having served in the U.S. Navy from 1993-1997 on the aircraft carrier USS George Washington. We had a significant fire on our ship during one of our cruises. Our carrier took part of the 50th anniversary of D-Day and we traveled throught the Suez canal twice. I have memoribilia from both cruises and old photos I'll digitize.


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My name is Chris and I'm a 36yo engineer. Wing Commander was one of my first video game experiences when I watched my older brother play it. Most of my own initial missions seemed to end with me face-first in an asteroid or mine but I was able to copy one of my bro's saves on the final mission and did manage to kill the starbase all by myself!

I actually reported this in second-grade show and tell. Nobody cared or even understood I think. hahahaha
This thread gives me the perfect excuse to post after such a long time. I used to talk all the time here, and now I only pop in once every few months. I'm sure you've missed me greatly. 😆

Anyway, I'm Dan. I first came across wcnews way back in 2000 or 2001, so I'm not entirely sure how I ended up finding it. Probably looking online for Wing Commander resources or something. Since then, I've made all sorts of posts, argued about Tolwyn being in many places at once, helped sort tech issues, and sent appreciation to fan projects like the HD movies for WC4 and Prophecy. It's always great fun to commiserate with people with like interests.

As for becoming a fan of Wing Commander, I'm probably the only person here whose first experience was the SNES version lol. I rented it from the video store way back in 1994 I believe, and gave it a shot. The fiction in the instruction book was surprisingly captivating, and the game itself was moody with a lot of gravitas. And it didn't hurt that it was really fun to play, even if it was a PC game adapted to a SNES controller. My family didn't really have a PC until 1998, where my next Wing Commander experience was the demo for Prophecy. After that, I moved to California, and while fighting a losing battle with depression, ended up with a lot of time on my hands. I was lucky enough to be able to get ahold of the rest of the series on PC over time.

Since moving back to Canada in 2002, I still have all my Wing Commander games, but haven't made time to play through them. Getting Prophecy and Secret Ops working on modern tech is a... journey, shall we say. But hey, I've bought out GOG's Wing Commander catalogue, so I should definitely make time to get my money's worth. lol

Anyway, if you've read this far, reward yourself with your favorite snack. You deserve it. Be well, and much love. 🙂
Hey folks, I'm Kevin Jamieson (aka K JAM, aka Ragger)!

I'm new around here, but have loved Wing Commander since no later than grade 1. I've played small bits and pieces of many of the sequels, but I'm really all about WC1. I'm actually about to start the Secret Missions for WC1 for what I think is the 2nd time, but maybe the 1st. I'll probably play WC2 for the first or 2nd time soon too, but that's time permitting.

I'm turning 32 in April and from (and still live in) Edmonton, Canada (population just south of 1 million. Think Wayne Gretzky winning a Stanley Cup? It only ever happened here!). I described a bit of my WC history in my post here, but basically my Dad got a copy of Wing Commander, along with photo copies of the manual from a friend when we got a 386 (in '91, maybe '92). I wasn't initially allowed to play it (fear I would ruin the joystick or computer from my Dad, and "violence" likely from my Mom), but in the coming months I wore them down and got limited, and then over time increased access to play the game. In spurts I played it (and Chuck Yeager's Air Combat) a lot over the next few years (and several replacement joysticks), and although I now have enjoyed a generous gaming history, Wing Commander would be my fav flight sim type game, and a top 10 game (maybe top 5) of mine all-time.

Other games that have eaten up a lot of time at one point or another
Diablo 2/3, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, Borderlands, FarCry 3/4, EA's NHL series, NBA JAM, Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3, Star Wars: Knight Of The Old Republic, Blades Of Steel, Mortal Kombat 3: Ultimate, Street Fighter 2: Turbo, Guitar Hero(s), Rock Band(s), Doom1/2, Quake 1/2, Counter Strike: Source, Halo 1/2/3, Unreal: Tournament, Age Of Empires 2, Sim City 2000, The Oregon Trail (dos), Spectre (dos), Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (dos), Pharaoh's Tomb (dos), Gorillas (dos), 007 GoldenEye, Burnout: Revenge, Geometry Wars, Portal, Wii Sports, Tiger Woods '10 (Wii), Tetris, Links Golf (dos), a game similar to pong where you cleared bricks (BrickIt? maybe some ripoff game of a bigger or older game, idk), Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1/2, Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding, Twisted Metal 3, Cool Boarders 3, 1080 Snowboarding, Crash Team Racing, Crash Bandicoot 1/2, Full Throttle, Double Dragon (2 or 3? it was on dos), Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, Virtua Athlete, Diddy Kong Racing, Quarrel, Mario Party(s), Super Mario 1/2/3, Duck Hunt, Star Fox: 64, Super Smash Bros, Worms, Wave Race 64, Turok 2, Stanley Cup and probably some more (especially Nintendo, SNES, N64, PS1 and internet flash) games I'm not currently recalling. The list isn't really in a particular order, but Diablo 2, LoZ:OoT, Borderlands and the EA NHL series are definitely ahead of WC. Past that, I would need to do some soul searching to put them in order. WC is definitely a top 10 game though.

Big geek when it comes to LOTR, Game Of Thrones, Star Wars, Star Trek and kinda Zombies too. I'm not a true movie buff, but I'm not crazy far off. Same could be said for classic rock (my 1800 song playlist is pretty much world class). Musically, I enjoy most everything except most country music. I listen to rap, rock (mostly before 2006ish) and some metal. I enjoy hearing jazz, blues, electronica, classical and some pop music.

I suppose I could do a paragraph on fav movies and tv shows? Maybe just TV shows for now: Game Of Thrones, The Walking Dead (although I'm behind the TV shows, I collect the comics in volumes), Star Trek (TNG & DS9 are my favs, but I've seen and enjoy Voyager and TOS), Archer, Rick And Morty, Letterkenny, Stranger Things, Black Mirror, The Big Bang Theory (again, I'm behind), The Strain, Suits, South Park (WAY behind), The Supernatural (behind), Scrubs, Band Of Brothers, The Pacific, Robot Chicken, The Wire, That 70's Show and Seinfeld would be at the top end of the list. Big Mouth only has 1 season, but it's one I'm liking

I like some board games, like Settlers Of Catan (+expansions), Ticket To Ride (Europe is my fav), Take-Off, Clue and Cards Against Humanity.

Because of WC, CYAC, Top Gun, Star Wars and a uncle + cousin who were aviation enthusiasts, I wanted to be a fighter pilot for a number of years (as well as an NHL hockey player, lol), but I was given that impression that my vision was not good enough to be a fighter pilot (I don't need glasses by any stretch, but I don't have 20/20 or better, either). I nerded out and learned a tonne (that's how we spell "ton' in Canada) about military aircraft, mostly fighters, and love that stuff to this day. I like to fly Raptors! I wish I had one in the Venice System!!!

I have a wife and toddler and I work ( currently part-time) as a financial adviser. I currently spend a lot of time home with my little girl, and that's very rewarding. I'm sports guy too, [all sports, but most especially hockey (shocker)]. Honestly of all things, I'm the biggest nerd when it comes to hockey (particularly when it relates to the Edmonton Oilers, Sidney Crosby or Team Canada).

I read most of the posts in this thread before mine, and it's neat how Wing Commander has brought us here and influenced our lives!

You can usually find a pic of me (and see me talking hockey) on my twitter @KevinJamieson86
It wasn't "Double Dragon", it was "Rise of The Dragon"!!!
Hello! I used so many nicknames then i created this user and got stuck with "Chaosbringer". My name is Martin and i'm from Argentina. I'm a pc player since i was 10 years old (i'm almost 44) and when i discovered Wing Commander (which came with a soundblaster pack) i got hooked into it forever. It took me a lot of years (Kilrathi Saga) to get to play Secret Missions 1 and Special Operations 2. But my all time favorite (i have to say it) is Privateer.
In other stuff, i'm a pediatrician and a father, so i dont have as much time to play as i had before(and to post here), but every now and then, i get back into my tarsus and run a few errands in Gemini.
Long time lurker here. I am a Navy veteran and an electronics technician. Served on smallboys such as destroyers and not carriers. I have been a fan of Wing Commander ever since the 90s. Got all the games from GOG and downloaded and enjoying the hell out of Standoff and Saga. Loved the expanded lore in the books.
Hello. I am TigerBlazer but my real name is Adam in case you want to call me by that, or just Tiger is fine too. I am 15 years old and I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember, with my favorite genres being CRPGs, FPSs, and flight games. I am one of the main administrators of the Qualitipedia Wikis, a network devoted to describing why a piece of media was poorly or well received by critics and audiences. I am really into progressive rock and Pink Floyd, King Crimson, and Yes are my favorite bands. I also like to write reviews of movies and games, read, and bike. I’m also in a relationship and it’s going well.

I first found this forum really when I was bored one day and just surfed the internet like I always do. I stumbled upon it after looking up information on Wing Commander fan games and feel in love with the site and have visited it often for well over a year now but didn’t make an account until very recently.

I think my fondest and earliest memory of the series are the same and it was how I discovered the games in the first place. When I was about 8 or 9 years old (Gosh feels like forever ago) I went to a Mini Con and got some free old comic books. I remember this Spider-Man comic had an ad for the SNES version in it and it planted the interest seed in my mind. A few weeks later my family and I were visiting my grandpa’s place. He has a huge game collection, over 700 including GOG.con purchases. I saw one of the games he had was Wing Commander on PC and I asked if I could play it and he said yes. I played a bit of it and he said I could take it home with me which I immediately accepted. I played the heck out of it when I got home and a few days later he heard I was enjoying them and sent the rest of the series over to me. I played them a lot back then and even today I play them a lot, and the entire series collectively is what I consider my favorite game of all time.

Thanks for listening and I hope we can be good friends :)