Knights of Legend - Todd Mitchell Porter

  • Thread starter Thread starter Unregistered
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I've been trying to track down Todd Mitchell Porter, the designer of Knights of Legend. I know he may not work for the companies he designs or helps develop the games for. But if someone knows how I can leave him a message, I'd appreciate it.


P.S. - If there are huge fans of KOL, please post a response. I'd like to chat with you.
Alex -


My registration is still pending. I'm waiting for the confirmation email. But I'm leaving my yahoo email,, if anyone can help me.

I'm still new to this message board, I'm trying to fine the guidelines. I'f I've broken any one of them, I apologize.

Todd Porter today

A bit of web research (boy, have I done a lot of that) reveals that Todd Porter is today the CEO of a company called DVDCre8 ( The "Contact" page of the site has a company email address where you might be able to contact him. There's also a phone number if you're really determined. :)

do you still want to find todd?

Unregistered said:

I've been trying to track down Todd Mitchell Porter, the designer of Knights of Legend. I know he may not work for the companies he designs or helps develop the games for. But if someone knows how I can leave him a message, I'd appreciate it.


P.S. - If there are huge fans of KOL, please post a response. I'd like to chat with you.
I want to find Todd M. Porter!

Hi there,

I am also looking for a contact to Todd Mitchell Porter!

Does somebody successfully contact him?

DVDCre8 is now dead...

Please reply :(
heh, this thread just makes me laugh...I'm not sure why. I don't think I know what's going on...:D

I've been trying to track down Todd Mitchell Porter, the designer of Knights of Legend. I know he may not work for the companies he designs or helps develop the games for. But if someone knows how I can leave him a message, I'd appreciate it.


P.S. - If there are huge fans of KOL, please post a response. I'd like to chat with you.

I'm not sure anybody still gets on this forum. To Alex - I am also a huge fan of Todd's games, and especially of KOL; I used to play it all the time when it first came out, and just recently started messing around with it again on dosbox. What a shame those new modules never came out! Unfortunately, I don't know anything about how to reach Mr. Porter, but wouldn't it be great if there were some user-created modules out there for KOL (or maybe some that Todd created but never made public)? I don't imagine there is anybody out there who knows about this?........... Ah well... Too bad the game came out in the age of assembly code, and before user-created content was a big thing. I knew this post was probably pointless, but just figured I'd ask anyway. Cheers!
