Kilrathi suicidal tendencies

Yeah, I think he`s mistaking Kilrathi for Klingon (Today is a good day to die)

Although Klingon aren`t that suicidal themselves.

BTW, I liked the Lemmings comparison, Quarto.
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Im not saying the Kilrathi are suicidal either, Im just presenting possibilities for a spacewar kamikaze. It doesnt even have to be a suicide run if cloaked - a "mistrel" configuration with a "live" Dralthi controlling a loaded "antimatter freighter" Dralthi (unpiloted) would be very effective - no lock needed, just fly in and release, then watch the fireworks. not the most original idea, true, but still effective. And a good way to get rid of those old Dralthis.

ME confuse Kilrathi and Klingon? *goes through ritual of purification* I dont think so...

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
NO! You have discovered my plan... Who told you! WHO TOLD YOU!!!

err.. wait... that wasn't my plan... my plan involved shooting people for our cause... wait...



CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Redtic don't prejudge the regulars. We always use the good Brillence.

Robert "Meson" Stukowski

Wing Commander is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle.
Or some of us just use the thrill of a good kill, or a whole buch of not-so-good ones.

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
Ok, so what about if the kilrathi used a modified skipper missile that was remotely controlled? It wouldnt loose pilots and ships or something like that, and the missile wouldnt need to skip in and out cloack to mantain contact with the target...

Only a complete fool is absolutely sure about what he says
Are you absolutely sure about this?
Yes, i am...i'h
I don't understand how you can recieve comms while cloaked. When the Dragons attack a medical transport in the WC4 opening, they partially deloak to communicate. In missions you can hear all the comms like you weren't even cloaked. How can comms get through and not sensors?

I don't think this idea would work for very long if at all IMO. I haven't read HOT in years but I think comms were a problem for those Strakas, then again, I could be mistake.
If youre using a remote missile it wouldnt be nearly as effective, due to jamming. A dual-craft bomb, on the other hand, could be ridden right into the target ship, with the controlling ship peeling off at the last minute.

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
Death's Head: Receiving signals would be no problem. At least when people transmit burst (as opposed to tight-beam). Naturally, this would only work on short range stuff, because long range stuff would be too dispersed.
Sending messages would be more problematic, though also acceptable if you move a hell of a lot and transmit very little.
I don't see why the Kilrathi don't just build a computer controlled Strakha. I mean if computers can guide missiles onto nimble fighters why can't they guide a full blown fighter onto a capital ship? That way they'd be able to take cap ships without sacrificing pilots.
They already did something close to this, it's called the Skipper.
It's probably a cheaper way to go.
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