I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

Well, it's good the GOG version features the 3dfx graphic enhancements. But if you want to get those work on a Voodoo system you might need two Voodoo 2's and have to combine them in order to get 2x 8 MB of graphics memory and to empore the calculation power.
Well, it's good the GOG version features the 3dfx graphic enhancements. But if you want to get those work on a Voodoo system you might need two Voodoo 2's and have to combine them in order to get 2x 8 MB of graphics memory and to empore the calculation power.
What is this referring to? All versions of Prophecy include the 3dfx graphics. And they were released when Voodoo 1 was still the best you could get, so there is no benefit to linking Voodoo 2s.

Fans have also surpassed the 3dfx mode with OpenGL patches, but then you'd just use any modern graphics card.
I was referring to 2 aspects. First, the GOG version of Prophecy comes readily patched to bring the 3dfx, players in former days only got when they were using a Voodoo graphics card. Second, I once was planning to revive a PC with old hardware and to put in 2 Voodoo 2s which should give me the best graphics and performance result you could get with such an old hardware like Pentium 2 or so. Lastly I gave up the plan having the opportunity to play the game in a more convenient way.
I was referring to 2 aspects. First, the GOG version of Prophecy comes readily patched to bring the 3dfx, players in former days only got when they were using a Voodoo graphics card. Second, I once was planning to revive a PC with old hardware and to put in 2 Voodoo 2s which should give me the best graphics and performance result you could get with such an old hardware like Pentium 2 or so. Lastly I gave up the plan having the opportunity to play the game in a more convenient way.
Are you saying the GOG version comes with a glide wrapper? I don't recall it having that, but even if so, the easiest way to get a 16 meg 3dfx setup is probably to install a Voodoo 3 cards. I believe the Voodoo 5 went all the way up to 128 megabytes.
I've been trying to get the HD video to work for my GOG copy of WCIV, and I've run into the problem from the old thread here:

I did a complete install of the CD upgrade patch by itself, with WC4 completely deleted from my hard drive. If i don't use the this patch 3 error messages pop up saying:
-Error: An object or name was not found
-DXMCI Error: Error loading video
-Missing movie: c:\vob\sc_0010a.dll

I'm not sure why it's doing this, especially since the GOG version is the DVD version, which is what the HD patch was meant to upgrade. Any thoughts??

Addendum: Issue has been fixed. You will need to get the codecs referenced in the first Zip file.
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I've been trying to get the HD video to work for my GOG copy of WCIV, and I've run into the problem from the old thread here:

I'm not sure why it's doing this, especially since the GOG version is the DVD version, which is what the HD patch was meant to upgrade. Any thoughts??

Addendum: Issue has been fixed. You will need to get the codecs referenced in the first Zip file.

Glad you got it sorted, @BonkusMaximus82 :)
I'm very excited to reveal this sneak preview of the upcoming Wing Commander IV HD Pack V6.0 - Cinematic Edition.

I've reconfigured the aspect ratio to cinematic widescreen and painstakingly recreated all the visual improvements that come from shooting with expensive, high-end anamorphic lenses. This is how WCIV would look if it were a modern day Hollywood blockbuster!

I actually think, comedy aside, that this looks pretty cool in some shots.

To the naysayers: Well, of course ODVS overdoes it greatly in many instances, especially with the fact that many of the lights "blink". But one cannot help but notice that the stark contrast certainly gives a few shots a very interesting, dare I say it, cinematic look. Seconds 11 to 14 for instance, or 1:16 to the end...
To the naysayers: Well, of course ODVS overdoes it greatly in many instances, especially with the fact that many of the lights "blink". But one cannot help but notice that the stark contrast certainly gives a few shots a very interesting, dare I say it, cinematic look. Seconds 11 to 14 for instance, or 1:16 to the end...
Yeah, I massively overdid it for comedic effect - and the "blinking" and wobbling could be fixed with closer attention. But My God that would be so much work 😂
One big change I noticed on the DVD version vs the CD version:

When Seether "reassigns" Paulsen, they keep the throat cutting off camera. It used to be on-camera (
One big change I noticed on the DVD version vs the CD version:

When Seether "reassigns" Paulsen, they keep the throat cutting off camera. It used to be on-camera (
The DVD has both versions.... But for whatever reason defaults the the "censored" European edit. You can get the other version to play by swapping the file names.
I'm glad you said that. :)

I actually think the PSX and 3DO versions each have their advantages. the PSX version has rich colors, the 3DO version has less distortion. View three comparisons:

1. Although they look similar, note the cluster of stars to the right of the sun. The PSX version has significant lossy compression distortion at the edges.

2. The PSX version has a clear advantage in color depth, but the lossy compression distortion is too obvious. See the ship in the bottom right corner, it all looks like it has a special shield around it! And in the video this "shield" is even more obvious.

3. In this comparison, the 3DO version is clearly better.

EDIT: The Japanese dub is interesting! Blair's voice is magnetic.
Replying to a bit of an old post here.... I dug up an update from a long time ago that confirms some of what we knew about the 3DO files. The color depth is definitely slightly less than the PSX version, however that may not be where the 3DO videos would be of the most interest: https://www.wcnews.com/news/update/6329

"Higher color of the movies (64K colors instead.... 256), The audio is 16 bit stereo and it is in dolby surround" ....

So the WC3 3do videos are all in stereo with dolby surround encoding. IIRC (not sure about the PC version) PSX version only has stereo audio on the Intro video and everything else is mono.

If there is a way to combine the color depth of the PSX version and some of the more defined edges of the 3DO with the 3DO audio, that would probably be a more definitive version of the the videos for a potential remaster.