Wing Commander IV is it supposed to be this difficult? I've played every Wing Commander except IV including Prophecy, and I have never had this much trouble beating an opponent. I've just finished Freespace2 and didn't have this much trouble. I have got the diffculty level set at "Veteran" and I'm at the recon TYR mission and I can't seem to complete it . Please do not tell me I'm getting old and losing it I do not want to give up simulated space combat yet. So if anyone has any tricks or advice to offer I'm listening.
And do not say it is because I'm a sucky pilot! I'll have you know I won the vaunted "Order of Vasuda" medal. But that is a different Universe.
And do not say it is because I'm a sucky pilot! I'll have you know I won the vaunted "Order of Vasuda" medal. But that is a different Universe.