Hey guys, please try my game: Stellar Wanderer


Rear Admiral
Hey guys and gals, last night I've just published my game on iOS and I'd be pleased to hear about it from an old community of space sim lovers. I guess it won't be a surprise that Wing Commander and Privateer series were some of my inspiration sources, after all were the games of my youth.

Please check it, I'd really appreciate any feedback: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stellar-wanderer/id1059797590?mt=8

Here are some reviews:

Here is the launch trailer:

And some screenshots:



Holy guacamole! A mobile dev that supports windows phone? you may be my new hero. let me know when its up and I'll give it a try.

Previous game (Strike Wing) did pretty good on windows phone (pretty good for a small indie ;-) ) and the engine is already ported, it would be a mistake not to do it :-)
The engine would be just perfect for a WC game ... but it's almost impossible to distribute it on mobile without a license.
The last update (that just went live) is 100% Community requests!
- Low/High price tracking for seen items
- Improved base off screen indicator on HUD
- Double tap brake for full stop
- Tap speed indicator to match speed with target
- Faster rocket buildup on military/high tech bases
- Several few other small fixes
Enjoy! :)
Put it out on the pc plz! We all need an excuse to use out flightsticks ; )
Great work btw, i just don't game on my phone. Be proud my friend.
Put it out on the pc plz! We all need an excuse to use out flightsticks ; )
Great work btw, i just don't game on my phone. Be proud my friend.

I was seriously thinking on puting it on pc (steam). The game is working on pc (that's the main development pkatform) but it needs some (lot) of polish and pc-like features (and I've tryed it with my joystick recently).
Just to finish the android and windows phone and I'll try a pc version as well. :-)
I really like this game. Good controls, and just enough complexity to be interesting. My only wish would be for iCloud saves so I could go between iPhone and iPad, and maybe Appletv someday.
I really like this game. Good controls, and just enough complexity to be interesting. My only wish would be for iCloud saves so I could go between iPhone and iPad, and maybe Appletv someday.

Hi :-) there is an autosave on icloud (with the longest play time) and also a slot where you can save on the iCloud at any time.
Yes, that should be ok :-) (the TV would have been more problematic because it should be playable 100% with the controller).