
Hello...if there is anybody here that is playing Starlancer, please help me.
I've read on the Gamespot preview that, as it was classic in the WC series, in Starlancer too it was possible to access a bar on the base ship where it was possible to chat with fellow pilots.
Now I am playing the game and all I can do is stay in my room, read all the info..listen to cd, enter the simulation pod...go to the briefing room...and notihing more!
NO chat with fellow pilots :confused

Is it a features that turns up later in the gamplay...or the Gamespot has dreamt it and nothing more???

If there is not this option...I am sorry...but Starlancer SUX!!!
What the hell??
Roberts brothers forgot what made WC so great???
Everybody is able to make good missions and graphic and stuff like that.
Not everybody is able to develop a plot like the one in WC4!!!
Yes...quite well!
I wouldnt say it 100% but 99.9 yes! ;-)

And...I have played 6 missions.
Not a lot, but not so few.
I've already advanced 2 am not the last one on the

Well...I hope I am wrong and that thing comes out at once!!

Though...dont worry...the game is kool...but without that thing it falls a long way down and, in my opinion, surely under the WC series.

I cant understand why did such a mistake...its all so similar to WC.
The only thing I can think is that they didnt want to make it TOO similar.
But this is a stupid reason since ALL THE REST is clearly identical to WC!!!

Bye and...have fun :-)
Why would the game have a bar? For character development? There's no such thing in Starlancer

And neither Roberts had much to do with the game.
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Enoxigeo said:
Hello...if there is anybody here that is playing Starlancer, please help me.
I've read on the Gamespot preview that, as it was classic in the WC series, in Starlancer too it was possible to access a bar on the base ship where it was possible to chat with fellow pilots.
Now I am playing the game and all I can do is stay in my room, read all the info..listen to cd, enter the simulation pod...go to the briefing room...and notihing more!
NO chat with fellow pilots :confused

Is it a features that turns up later in the gamplay...or the Gamespot has dreamt it and nothing more???

If there is not this option...I am sorry...but Starlancer SUX!!!
A game sucks because it doesn’t have a bar?
WC2-WCSO didn’t have bars where you could go any time you wanted to, and those game certainly didn’t suck.

What the hell??
Roberts brothers forgot what made WC so great???
It sure as hell wasn’t a bar that made it great.
Everybody is able to make good missions and graphic and stuff like that.
Not everybody is able to develop a plot like the one in WC4!!!
You certainly can’t make a WC4-like plot without the WC4 budget. Something that Warthog/DA don’t have.
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You know, Earthworm, you shouldn't take people literally all the time. From what he wrote, I gather that it's not the bar that he misses, but rather the character interaction, which most of the time just happened to happen in the bar. And this interaction IS something that happened in every single WC, even SO.
BTW, when you say WC2-WCSO, surely you meant to say WC2 and WCSO? Otherwise, I'd have to wonder how you could say something so silly
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I was thinking the very smae thing whilst playing, character development is crucial in something like this and not just CG characters, I mean REAL ones so when a wingman dies a tear comes to your eye and your throat swells up before you remember its just a game. In all of history only wing commander ever let me forget, even for a moment that it was just a game.
kremling68 said:
I was thinking the very smae thing whilst playing, character development is crucial in something like this and not just CG characters, I mean REAL ones so when a wingman dies a tear comes to your eye and your throat swells up before you remember its just a game. In all of history only wing commander ever let me forget, even for a moment that it was just a game.

Yeah? So? Animated characters can be just as real as those played by actors. Have you seen some anime? If you did, you would know this is the case. WC always had a surrealness to it. Even when the characters were cartoons (WC1-SO2, Privaterr, etc.).

Robert "Meson" Stukowski

Wing Commander is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle. seems I've started a nice discussion

Well..let me reply:

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 05, 2000).]
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KrisV said:
Why would the game have a bar? For character development? There's no such thing in Starlancer

And neither Roberts had much to do with the game.

Exactly Kris, that is what I would like in Starlancer, and what it makes less good than any WC

This sux, 'cause they have had the opportunity to coninue a MITH that shouldn't die like that.

What do u mean "And neither Roberts had much to do with the game??".

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 05, 2000).]
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Earthworm said:
A game sucks because it doesn’t have a bar?
WC2-WCSO didn’t have bars where you could go any time you wanted to, and those game certainly didn’t suck.

It sure as hell wasn’t a bar that made it great.

You certainly can’t make a WC4-like plot without the WC4 budget. Something that Warthog/DA don’t have.

Well, I think that Quarto has already replied u. I dont mean I WANT A just would like to have more interaction with the other pilots....for the reason Kris has mentioned: CHARCATERS DEVELOPMENT!!!
That would be very important for involving more the players in the plot.

And it is not true that u need such an high budget. If u use animated characters u dont need so much money!!!!

WCSO didnt suck, but it is not a WC game, it is only an expansion pack with some more good mission. I didnt get so much involved in the storyline as in Prophecy or the others. least in WCSO u did already know the other pilots. When I was plying it I could remember their faces and how they behaved in Prophecy..and that makes a BIG difference

And think about it, even in Prophecy, where for some reason they took away the possibility to choose different replies during the chats with other pilots, the interaction is much less effective.

If u want a game where u have only missions, enemy to shoot and not much more...well...ok...your choice, but that is much below WC standard, that gave THIS AND THE CHARACTERS DEVELOPMENT TOO!!

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 05, 2000).]
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Quarto said:
You know, Earthworm, you shouldn't take people literally all the time. From what he wrote, I gather that it's not the bar that he misses, but rather the character interaction, which most of the time just happened to happen in the bar. And this interaction IS something that happened in every single WC, even SO..

Thanks Quarto. Thats exactly what I meant.
BTW...from what U wrote it seems u dont care too much for this thing. Doesnt it annoy u?
kremling68 said:
I was thinking the very smae thing whilst playing, character development is crucial in something like this and not just CG characters, I mean REAL ones so when a wingman dies a tear comes to your eye and your throat swells up before you remember its just a game. In all of history only wing commander ever let me forget, even for a moment that it was just a game.

The character developement IS SURELY CRUCIAL!!! When I play games with such a feature I dont forget it is a game FOR A MOMENT...I forget it COMPLETELY!!

In all the WC games I have really become the character and when the bastard enemies manage to kill one of my mates...well...I dont cry...but the thing I desire most is to get out there and KILL EM ALL!!!

Do u remember when in WC4 Vagabod gets killed on that fucking station?
I DO!!! But I made them pay that thing

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 05, 2000).]
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Meson said:
Yeah? So? Animated characters can be just as real as those played by actors. Have you seen some anime? If you did, you would know this is the case. WC always had a surrealness to it. Even when the characters were cartoons (WC1-SO2, Privaterr, etc.).

True...I agree.
But u must admit that THERE IS a difference between REAL characters and animated ones.
I mean...if there are REAL characters u get the sensation that everything is more...well...REAL!!! lol.

But of course...u need A LOT of money to do that, and since the graphic rendering is getting so good...I guess we shouldnt even hope to see more games with REAL characters.

But even with animated characters, character interaction and development could be fine...u just need to WANT to do it.

In Starlancer they didnt even think of that.

Now the question is WHY???
It was what made WC and PRIVATEER so great.
Roberts brothers are surely not ppl that have nothing to do with those games!!!


I guess we will never know.
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I think he's telling you that because you just posted SIX posts in a row
. Usually, people don't do more than two at a time.

BTW...from what U wrote it seems u dont care too much for this thing. Doesnt it annoy u?
What annoys me, is when people are too lazy to write out a three letter word
Which thing do you mean, btw? Character development? I care. Just not enough to go crazy about it. For what it's worth, I really liked Freespace, and they didn't HAVE characters there.
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U mean writing U instead of YOU?
I am sorry but I am getting too used to internet chat writing

About the 6 posts...sorry...but it was the easiest way to replay to everyone without having to manually quote every message...

About the post...
Well..I dont know what were u expecting from Starlancer.
I will tell YA (a compromise..2 letters..OK?...LOL!!) what I did expect.
At the beginning I expected a good game. Nothing more.
Then they started to say it had many similarities with WC.
Then that is was almost the same.

At that point I said a big YAHOO!!! since I am one of those that nearly died when read that the WC Online project had been canceled.

Then I waited the game too much, reading all I could read about it for monthes.

Finally I get the game.
I install and run it.
I see the great intro...

EVERYTHING was letting me expect to find a clone of WC...
All the news I read, the similarity of the intro to the WC4 intro and others...the graphic, even the briefing room!

THEN...I discover that this WC clone...(because this is what it is)...hasnt got the feature that has distinguished WC from a lot of others space fight sim!!!

The storyline can be great...I dont know...I am still playing the game and I am at the beginning...but u cant have a good storyline without characters development.
It is the base for any movie, book or whatever!!
How can u enjoy it completely if u dont know the characters?
If u have not the chance to get involved in their life?

Yesterday I lost a wingman in a mission and it didnt mean NOTHING to me.
I didnt even replay the mission!
There was no funeral scene too!!!

OK...I havent seen all the game so I cant give an complete evaluation of it by now.
Probably it will be a great game even without that character development...but it will NEVER be as good as it could be with it.

If anybody hasent noticed it...I am VERY, VERY, VERY..ANNOYED by this thing

Oh...and BTW...others games like Mech Warrior that didnt have characters development, that were based only on missions and had a lack of story-telling...are now developing that features (MW4) your conclusions.
It may mean that I am not the only one that think all these things???

Enoxigeo out...

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 05, 2000).]
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Quarto said:
BTW, when you say WC2-WCSO, surely you meant to say WC2 and WCSO? Otherwise, I'd have to wonder how you could say something so silly

Again Ouarto, you read my mind

Seriously now:

At the beginning I expected a good game. Nothing more.

Same as me (I'll get my copy in a couple of days

Then they started to say it had many similarities with WC.

also said Prophecy would be the begining of a new WC trilogy and that it'll have MP options.
and they said the same things about Freespace, and it's nothing like WC.

As you said in the begining, you'd expected Starlancer to be a good game, nothing more . I say, never trust something till you can judge it yourself. I think Starlancer gonna be a good game, but I don't expect it to be WC. Sure, CR did it, but that means nothing: I myself don't like decsent, but Freespace is nothing like it and I do enjoy Freespace

I'm getting confused
from what I'm saying, so I'll stop now before I'll conterdict myself (to late for that I believe


[This message has been edited by Hero (edited May 05, 2000).]
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Hero said:
I say, never trust something till you can judge it yourself. I think Starlancer gonna be a good game, but I don't expect it to be WC. Sure, CR did it, but that means nothing: I myself don't like decsent, but Freespace is nothing like it and I do enjoy Freespace

Well...the only problem is that Starlancer IS a clone of WC...but it hasnt got one of the MOST IMPORTANT FEATURES.

BTW...I've just read an interview to Erin Roberts that says that next Starlancer game will have this feature. I am beginning to think that they didnt have the time or money to do that...or they may have wanted to hold some points were to make the next episode better...or..they wanted to make the first episode simpler than the future one (like in Star Wars Episode I...where I think everything was so simple and clear only because it was the prelude for all the rest...not because it sucks...but a lot of ppl didnt understand it

Otherwise...why the Roberts are planning to put it in the next game?
They surely think it is an important feature!
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Enoxigeo said:
WCSO didnt suck, but it is not a WC game, it is only an expansion pack with some more good mission. I didnt get so much involved in the storyline as in Prophecy or the others.
It's not an addon, it's a sequel to Prophey.