HC1's SO patches


Say, where can I download these cool patches for the leech gun and gun damage
and the tre loader--really need this one to be able to add new ships from the iff into the tre.
I downloaded the dll that has a lot of the patches in it, but it doesn't register the leech functions.
HCl never released any of these patches in a useable form, IIRC (except as part of UE and Standoff, of course). The original plan had been to create a DLL loader thingy so that modders would be able to mix and match whatever DLL patches they wanted, but that never materialised.
Well I saw it spelled HC1 in certain places that I would think would be correct--so I just spelled it that way. Thanks for cleaning that up.
Hey, how do you repack the data files back into the tre or to make a new tre so the strings I have changed will work in the game?
FYI, the treman I have doesn't allow me to add files to a tre or delete files from a tre--"option not available" is right by these options.
To make tres you need tremake.exe - not sure whose it is, but looks like HCl to me. It allows you to make a tre file from the contents of a folder (including subfolders), and it's a little command line type thing. To add files to an existing tre, unpack everything to a folder with treman, add the files, then repack with tremake. :)
This is strange, for some reason I am getting a box that is asking for a password and username to access the ftp for revival and wcnews. Something awefully screwy about this.

It says that it doesn't allow anomyous users there or that it doesn't accept my address--I am guessing that it is talking about my ip signal.

Has this happened to anyone?
I'd guess you either try to DL 2 items at the same time or you are using a DL manager that tries to open two connections for one item.
Okay, I need be able to use the string editor, but without the ability to create and replace the data.tre for SO--to change the strings--I am dead in the water for a good, long time.
I do believe Tango was replying to your original post (asking about leech gun and other patches), Iceblade :p.

I still don't quite see why you'd be having difficulty downloading TRE Maker from HCl's site. Just left-click this link - don't worry about using download managers or anything like that, since it's such a small file anyway.
Okay, how do you specifically add new strings to SO, because doing just this doesn't work: extracting the files from the data.tre, adding the strings into the targetid, and making a new tre with all the data files that were in the data.tre and replaceing the other is not working.