Happy Birthday!

Originally posted by akashra
- the fact that the carrier in the movie was called the 'Tiger Claw' not 'Tigers Claw'.

...was a typo

Thats streching it a bit too far!

But seriously, WC1 starts on .110, that doesnt mean it was his first day on board.
Yeah and everyone goes around saying "Hi im____" even Maniac who he went to the academy with according to Claw Marks.

It wasnt his first combat mission cause he flew off the TCS Formidable for a short while before coming to the Claw. It could have been his first mission in the squadron of Hornets with Spirit on his wing.
A bit late but: Happy B-Day CIC :) !

Sadly, I wasn't able to attend to the party but the changes look quite promising. Good work!
A bit belated, but Happy B-Day from me, too! And a good job on the CZ changes (I like the teal colour scheme!).

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to join the fun because I had to work and was so exhausted that I fell asleep in front of my keyboard! (frell!) :D
Originally posted by akashra
No, but his first mission was flying with Spirit...
I know some things stretch to breaking point - but in this case, I don't believe it was explicitly stated that the first mission in WC1 was Blair's first mission on the 'Claw. And I just replayed the whole Vega campaign yesterday afternoon, and I only recall Blair being referred to as a "rookie".

Hmm, I reckon all that oxygen deprivation mellowed Angel's attitude and turned her into a stats freak! :)

Maniac's greeting could be interpreted as him being his usual jerky self, but I don't know how one might think of Paladin's introduction... perhaps he was just reminiscing to Blair?
Angel was probably one of those ones who got all the high marks througout her education but never flied with any real skill, the fact that she flew sensibly being what got her the promotions :P
Hey, I liked the person Angel was! And she didn't fly too bad either. Pity she wasn't too good at blending in with Kats.
She wouldnt have lasted so long in the war if she wasnt pretty good. Following the regs will get you far, but if you cant outfly your enemy your toast.
Then you do a Hunter and "push the regs to the limit" or something like that. "Note that I said push and not break. Might not seem like much of a difference, but it's usually the difference between scoring a kill and sucking vacuum.
i know , i know, i'm Very late, and i missed the party and all the fun around it, but still here it is;

CIC, Congratulations.
there really aren't any words to discribe how amazing you guys really are.

CIC I salute you.
keep up the great work.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Then you do a Hunter and "push the regs to the limit" or something like that. "Note that I said push and not break. Might not seem like much of a difference, but it's usually the difference between scoring a kill and sucking vacuum.

The first is Hunter. The latter is Maniac :P

As for Angel being a good pilot - the missions where you flew on her wing in a broadsword, she was TERRIBLE!!! Almost as useless as Stingray! :D
Then again, most of the wingmen were pretty useless in Wing 2 :(
The Wing 1 wingmen seemed to do a better job.
Originally posted by akashra
Then again, most of the wingmen were pretty useless in Wing 2 :-(
Mmmmhh... give me Hobbes in a Crossbow and I certainly won't complain... :)

The Wing 1 wingmen seemed to do a better job.
Granted, but ins't that because the WC1 Kilrathi pilots ehm... weren't that great?..
Hmmm, yeh, you seem to get swarmed in Wing 1, rather than outflown.
I guess that's why in Wing 2 the battles seem to go for a lot longer than they would in Wing 1.
Ugh, was just playing a few WC2 missions then -
danmit, they kept shooting me and each other more than the shot the Kilrathi on the final SO1 mission!

Useless I tell you, completely useless. I mean, if it were Jazz or Minx, I could understand it... but Bear and Hobbes... bah.
Didn't seem that way. Maniac would never even taken that extra bit of caution even if Hunter did. I'm surprised it wasn't Maniac who pulled that manual landing, or take off with the Dralthi without permission. Then again, it's certainly not half as bad as accidentally helping to blow up a Confederation transport or getting into a Raptor with nothing but your PJs on!
yea but hunter was wild in a safe way, he would never leave his wingman without cover, whereas maniac was just nuts, in FF/Crusade didn't he have some kind of mental breakdown?