Gun damage wrong? All numbers seem weird...


Rear Admiral
Heya everybody,

I've seen the manual from Gemini Gold here:

The gun numbers and damage/speed seem a bit wrong for me. Does anybody have a complete list for all the guns in Privateer and Privateer RF?

The Meson Blaster nearly as strong as Tachyon Cannon?

I remember the Tachyon made 5cm and not 3.8 cm (Meson 3.5cm) so there's something wrong here. A compelte gun list (with Fission gun) would be great!


You can send me a private message here with the numbers if you don't want to post them here.
The ones listed as 'Privateer' are the in-game stats, the ones listed as 'Privateer Manual' are the specifications listed in the manual (which presumably applied to some earlier build of the game.)
The ones listed as 'Privateer' are the in-game stats, the ones listed as 'Privateer Manual' are the specifications listed in the manual (which presumably applied to some earlier build of the game.)

Thank you very much LOAF! :) That helps a lot...

I'm still unsure, which is the best weapon for Privateer. I always thought the Tachyon cannon (without Steltek gun) ... Fusion Cannon had too slow speed and too short range...

My favorite weapons for Centurion:
Laser - Tachyon - Tachyon - Laser

Laser on the outer wings... Tachyon inside...

@Loaf - which cannon do you think is the best? Laser has superb range and rate of fire and speed...

Name:	Vel:	Range	Delay	GJ	DMG	DMG/s	GJ/s
Stel B	1470	5000	0,37	8	19	51,35	21,62
Laser	1400	4760	0,3	4	1,8	6,00	13,33
Meson	1300	4420	0,4	8	3,2	8,00	20,00
Tachyon	1250	4250	0,4	8	3,7	9,25	20,00
Ion Pul	1200	4080	0,7	15	5,4	7,71	21,43
Steltek	1175	3995	0,45	10	10	22,22	22,22
Mass D	1100	3740	0,35	6	2,6	7,43	17,14
Particl	1000	3400	0,5	11	4,3	8,60	22,00
Fusion	950	3230	0,75	17	10	13,33	22,67
Neutro	900	3060	0,65	18	6,2	9,54	27,69
Plasma	840	2856	0,72	22	7,2	10,00	30,56
I always Liked using Full Tachyons for some reason.. Relatively cheap if you keep in mind the 80K Plasmas vs 20K Tachyons. so 4 Tachyons for the price of one plasma....yea....after I got the gun coolers I loved the tachyon but still didn't like the fusion.
I always Liked using Full Tachyons for some reason.. Relatively cheap if you keep in mind the 80K Plasmas vs 20K Tachyons. so 4 Tachyons for the price of one plasma....yea....after I got the gun coolers I loved the tachyon but still didn't like the fusion.

Yeah I used 4 Tachyons when I played it the first time back on my 386 machine when I was 12 years old.

But now I think it's difficult to aim with the outer cannons on the wing of the Centurion. So I put 2 Lasers outside (2 Tachyons inside) and have less energy drain... faster fire weapons outside and if one of them misses it doesn't matter because of the high range and fast fire rate of the Laser. This is in my opinion the best weapon combination for the Centurion. Comments are welcome!
Hmm interesting I never tried that setup.....Seems logical tho

I would be happy if you could try that and tell me what you think ;) I always loved the laser but the damage is too low if you only use lasers... but I'm a real afterburner man and so if the afterburner is dead (or I have too less energy) I will end up dying. That's why I prefer more energy. And because of that 2 lasers. I really noticed that the outer guns on the Centurion often just don't hit the target... I mount the Steltek on the righter inside port so I concentrate on that one and the others are just nice to have ...
hmmm. from reading the Star Soldier and I know it may be semi off topic but not. Greyson Burrows is still wanted in 2701 for pirating etc.... But one can only wonder why there's a bounty on his head. Unless he may has something todo with the Steltek gun that was found, a few years later after the events of the original privateer
hmmm. from reading the Star Soldier and I know it may be semi off topic but not. Greyson Burrows is still wanted in 2701 for pirating etc.... But one can only wonder why there's a bounty on his head. Unless he may has something todo with the Steltek gun that was found, a few years later after the events of the original privateer

So you think there was another Steltek gun, which was found after Privateer Righteous Fire? So perhaps the Retros did not really destroy all those guns? Do you have details on that story? I would really be interested to read it. Especially if it has something to do with a new Privateer...
Well it's actually in Star Soldier Arena Manual. There's a timeline Section that inquires that another Steltek "Weapon" not saying if it's a gun or a missile or even a fighter is found, on The Challenger. This all happens about 3 years after in original Privateer when Greyson Burrows finds the gun and loses the gun. Two Privateers it seems named Joe Turner and Mark Lassiter race to acquire the gun and also help a plot to destroy Perry Navel base, it's not said if this was successful or not because there's a part toward the beginning of Star Soldier that says that Ferragut Navel Station is the last of the last of the Halsey Class Stations (aka Perry Navel Base) so either it gets destroyed by the Church of Man or...the Nephilim in there raid to human space. In any event the information about the Steltek weapon is on page 47 of the S*S manual. Personal opinion....I don't believe they would destroy the gun...maybe hide it but never destroy it. But then again they are the Retros, they could of destroyed it...but having that much power at that time....naw I'm sure it's made to good use. What I love about the Wing Commander Universe is that they open up the story to be pretty much anything. Oh and by the way...Happy Hunting. And watch out for In-sys man. :)
I already wrote to LOAF but no answer yet. Do you know how this works:

In Privateer 1 in the last mission when the Steltek Scout boosts your gun damage for the Steltek gun and the gun is boosted... the Scout says something like "limited number of shots" ... I always thought this means I can only fire a few hundred shots with the boosted gun.

Do you know how this works in the game?

Is the Steltek gun only boosted for this last mission?
Is it a normal Steltek gun again when I fly another mission?
How many shots can I fire with the gun until it looses its boosted status?

...or does it have unlimited ammo and is always boosted?

Thanks for your help!
I'm not really too sure, but I think in Gemini Gold. It's added in as a seperate gun all together with an unlimited amount of shots. I'm not really too sure. I think in the original it was set somehow to unlimited shots(Boosted) until the steltek shot you down or you jump out of the system, at that point you failed and would never have gotten rid of the drone. After the drone is defeated your gun goes back to normal but still more powerful than the plasma gun.
I've started to play the old Privateer again on my 486 machine.
Somehow I don't like the Gemini Gold that much. The interface (Nav map) and so on is not really Privateer like :( and there are still lots of programming errors ...

Thanks for your help!!
Yeah I know it's been 5 years... but I started playing Privateer again. This time on my new machine using GOG's release and what can I say? It rocks!
Concerning the gun numbers I'm still not sure.

Porcupine has written on the CIC forum here, that he has extracted the Data of the guns directly out of the game (TRE-file):

Tachyon does 5cm damage he said. (From what he extracted out of the game ... see above hyperlink)
Fusion Cannon was 6.6cm and 0.5 delay. Even Plasma Cannon should have been changed in RF (8.5cm and 0.65 delay)

If we compare this with LOAFs data here:

LOAFs data says Tachyon does 3.7cm damage.
LOAFs data says Fusion Cannon does 10cm damage and has 0.75 delay.

Does anybody know something more about this. Which numbers are correct? If Porcupine really has extracted the data out of the TRE-file... and if his numbers are correct then it means that Tachyons are by far the best weapons concerning price/damage. And he really confirmed again and again that Tachyon really does 5cm damage. And if Fusion Cannon only does 6.6 and not 10cm damage then it's pretty useless. I haven't played Fusion Cannon but it looked interesting with gun coolers.

Well Steltek boosted is best by far but you lost it in Righteous Fire! :(

So if anybody can help me here again and really tell me which numbers are correct?
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I found out that the Fusion Cannon has indeed a speed of 1350kps and is even faster than the Tachyon Cannon (1250kps).
That means that Porcupine's data might really be correct and LOAF's data is wrong.
That might mean that the original Privateer Tachyon Cannon has 5cm damage!

The CIC gun chart database is wrong!

Overall Tachyon Cannon has the best price/power value.
Fusion Cannon is more expensive but has a higher range... but is uses slightly a bit more energy per damage.
Using gun coolers however the Fusion Cannon wins!

16.67 dmg/s for Tachyon - 4250 range - 0.3 delay - 25 GJ/s
17.60 dmg/s for Fusion - 4590 range - 0.375 delay - 26.40 GJ/s

A very close win... and 5x the price... but hey if you want the best (what the numbers say), then take the Fusion Cannon!
Without gun cooler the difference is smaller... because the Fusion Cannon has a higher delay for refire rate, it wins more speed with the 25% gun cooler boost.
Fusion 0.5 => 0.375
Tachyon 0.4 => 0.3

Best wishes

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