Freelancer - release date 2002?

Sorry, I meant that as a separate topic. I mean, what's happening with the ex-Origin people? Roberts started a company, got swallowed up by Microsoft, and then got kicked out, and has now started up another one.

How's Garriot doing at DG?
Roberts is, currently, not in the game buisness.He is,I believe,working on a movie.(I do not remember the name;the name was somethng like Earthdawn or Earthfall).Garriot's new company is currently in partnership with a Korean company known as NC Soft.They are currently working on bringing Lineage,the largest online game in the world,to the U.S.His company is also working on an original game known only as Tabula Rasa.There are quite a few former Origin employees working there ,however.
I heard Roberts was working on SFX for a film with his new company.
Originally posted by LeHah
I heard Roberts was working on SFX for a film with his new company.
Yeah,I don't know what Roberts exact involvement with the film is,since there isn't much information.
Roberts is in with CFW? The gameplay on that isn't too bad... though I would rather he went fully 3d on it... And the construction setup is a headache...