Commodities wanted! for WC Universe

Yes i know.... but s**t happens, don´t take so bad ;)

I remember in my summer vacation in San Bernardo and try to
¨pick up¨a woman.......she was married......damn f****g luck.
All my friends laughed. :(
Well he was at drugstore a few meters ahead, but she warned me... i had 19 years when happens.... i was so stupid (please don´t remark,now too)
hey, i could probably give a vampire a good fight in a raptor. just make some modifications and i can compete with anybody.
Manjana. please forgive me.
and please don't take it personally.
Huh...what would have happened if you were standing in front of mine??? Falling down on your knees and bidding me to forgive you???Don't wasn't bad, I just wondered. And concerning me being female...I'll now really write it in my profile. Best with fat letters...
And do I look like taking anything personal??? The flowers wouldn't have been necessary. Also thanks...what the E-Mail concerns, it isn't necessary (today it wasn't there??? But you needn't write one)...I understood it wasn't meant in a bad way and so lets forget the whole thing.
And you really don't need to make your testiment...or hope there's lots of difference between us. Even if I'd live in your neighbourhood, I maybe would have come to you to ask what it means and not to hit or kill you. So calm down and forget it. It's the same I'll do:):)

BTW: RFBurns could you give me your E-Mail-adress? Don't ask me why, you'll see...
$tormin had nothing to apologise for in the first place, so, as Manjana has suggested, let's just forget the whole thing.
Yeah let's forget the whole thing and give me my pleasure BORGS
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice pleasure borgs!!!
And a picture of manjana at the airfield haha no i'll take the pleasure borg!!
Ah i've got an idea hooo how creative !!
IN 26XX you could make a pleasure borg out of a holo picture just image you take a picture of a girl you find attractive but you can't get her. Doesn't matter make a pleasure borg out of her wohooo and she's never tiring or freaking on you!!

[Edited by Cadfael on 04-27-2001 at 03:34]
Originally posted by Cadfael
And a picture of manjana at the airfield haha no i'll take the pleasure borg!!

And that, Manjana, is the unfortunate reason why there are so few female visitors here.
Actually, my kid sister loved WC3 and WC4. Couldn't fly worth a damn, but she really got into the storyline.

Best, Raptor
yeah ok but these are kids! But when
would you go to a bar or pub find a nice girl sitting there and then she asks.
What are you interested in?
And you say:Ughm ahh Wing commander
She'll say: ohh how interesting.....
next 10 minutes she'll be talking to someone else!

Hey girls i am a sarcastic star wars star trek wing commander dune fan love me please hahahahaha
Originally posted by Cadfael
He alwys has to be on the girls side!!!
Ah no girls aren't interested in wing commander face it!!
I fight as I always have - on the side of peace and honour... ;)

I'm the Moderator, and regardless of how few female WC fans there are here, my job is to make sure that they are treated the same way as everybody else.
I've known a number of female Wing Commander fans... they generally aren't particularly interested in joining in online because... well, because of people like Cadfael.
IN 26XX you could make a pleasure borg out of a holo picture just image you take a picture of a girl you find attractive but you can't get her. Doesn't matter make a pleasure borg out of her wohooo and she's never tiring or freaking on you!!
Oh help, that I don't get into trouble first thinks were: Oh let me stay calm, your PC can't anything for it.' Guy, if I wanted to hurt anybody I'd try to be other way. I'd never be fraking on anybody here except some people (thought another word) who REALLY earned it... whom I meant can you imagine by yourself! So stop talking in that way. And what concerns the Internet-Knowledges in general, I only made good experience with it. I travel to Bavaria in summer, because a very good friend (boy) lives there. Two weeks ago he visited me. We got to know each other in a chatroom. Unfortunately he lives 800km away. So I'll travel with regional trains to him (cheap, but needs nine hours). So never say something negative about me and the people I got to know via Internet. Distance isn't all..
What you can say isn't a reason, why I shouldn't meet one of you one time. So of course I couldn't come to the USA at the moment, but please talk no nonsense. It depends from the person. If you don't belong to that sort of people, whom take people behind PCs serious it's a pity for you. You miss something!!
He alwys has to be on the girls side!!!
Ah no girls aren't interested in wing commander face it!!
What am I??? A neutrum after your definition. Don't insult could pity it.
Hey girls i am a sarcastic star wars star trek wing commander dune fan love me please hahahahaha
After that, what you've said, I could never!
I'm the Moderator, and regardless of how few female WC fans there are here, my job is to make sure that they are treated the same way as everybody else.
Some people will never learn it. Don't spend your time on things which are senseless.:)
Fact is, I like the community (except some few guys, which don't seem to like me), and I never got problems. The little incidint with Stormin wasn't bad (on which fellows we are talking about). It was a misunderstanding. It hasn't happened, because he wouldn't have said if he knew before that I am a girl...But another guy uses that possibility to say that I don't seem to exist (I really feel very lively), and that he enjoysto show he doesn't like women in the WC community. But sorry for you I won't you have to live with each other. We can be 'friends' if you figure some things out and maybe excuses yourself fr the remark, that no woman can enjoy WC ( what really shows, I am a man or nothing, what both isn't the case) and for the indirect remark between the lines I should leave the community, because of not belonging here...
OR: we can ignore each other. Also a solution I can live with. OR: the last possibilty: You make more such stupid remarks, and I would be forced to express myself clearer what I think of you...depends from you. With friendly greetings, Inga!
Originally posted by Manjana
IN 26XX you could make a pleasure borg out of a holo picture just image you take a picture of a girl you find attractive but you can't get her. Doesn't matter make a pleasure borg out of her wohooo and she's never tiring or freaking on you!!
Oh help, that I don't get into trouble first thinks were: Oh let me stay calm, your PC can't anything for it.' Guy, if I wanted to hurt anybody I'd try to be other way. I'd never be fraking on anybody here except some people (thought another word) who REALLY earned it... whom I meant can you imagine by yourself! So stop talking in that way.
Calm down indeed - I really don't think he was talking about you in that second paragraph.

Some people will never learn it. Don't spend your time on things which are senseless.
<shrug> It's my job :).

It hasn't happened, because he wouldn't have said if he knew before that I am a girl...
Regarding that $tormin incident, I don't see what difference it would have made. It was a joke, and it was pretty much acceptable regardless of who it was aimed at.

OR: the last possibilty: You make more such stupid remarks, and I would be forced to express myself clearer what I think of you...
You will not say what you think of him. That's my job, and it's exactly the sort of thing that normal posters should not do, since it only makes things worse.