Capture de Fralthi. Doable?


Victory, you say?
Well... Endless Kilrathi fighters swarm on the Marine LC. The LC screams: "don't fire, I'm unarmed" and gets destroyed. Almost funny. Are we actually supposed to capture the Fralthi?
If you mean the 2nd mission, yes is *doable*, and IIRC there aren´t infinite kilrathi fighter waves so maybe you did something wrong.
In my experience when the LC appears it takes like 5 minutes to capture the Fralthi.
Well, you simply have to keep the Gratha and the Dralthi away from the LC. In my experience, very few Kilrathi ships actually bother attacking the LC, so it's not really difficult to protect it - but you have to pay attention, because even one Dralthi can kill the LC.
Hmm... Perhaps I should play it again.

Well, not infinit but lots of them. A lot. I killed a lot of Kilrathi ships before I even could start attacking the turrets. And all my wingmen were toasted, lots of purple dots on the radar. By the time the LC arrived, my fighter was not in a very good condition, and there were still tons of cats around.

I did AB right after they sent the nav coord for the Fraltha and ignored the Vaktoths... That's how it should be done, right? Should I use the torp to take out the bridge or something?

I must have done something wrong, because I could barely destroy the turrets with all those fighters around, and by the time the LC arrived it was immediatly surrounded with fighters, and was destroyed before I even could get up there.
Well, it's a good idea to kill one or two Vaktoths before chasing the Fralthi - it sounds like you used the Epee, so you have a bit of extra time thanks to its faster afterburners.

Once you actually see the Fralthi, you should help out a bit with the fighters - at least until most of your reinforcements show up. Basically, by the time you go after the Fralthi, you should have used up all anti-fighter missiles except dumbfires (save those for the missile turrets). And don't forget, the Stormfire on the Epee has about 10,000 range, so you can take a few turrets out before you're in their range.
Hmm.. Thanks for the tip about the stormfire. The Epee is a must-use for a mission like this, because it has the slide-option, and it's good to sabe afterburners.

OK, so I clean the fighters and then go to clean the turrets?
Quarto ,this is the only mission I used the Epee and I found it usefull :D

Long Live the Scimitar !
Ive finished it with the Scim too.Its just easier with the ugly Epee!
(no offence Quarto!)
I finished this mission in a Scim and in an Epee, repeatedly. Very repeatedly. Actually, far too repeatedly. But then again, this was a fun one to play again and again... not like mission 3. No, mission 3 was much worse. Mission 3 still traumatises me. I still wake up screaming at night because of mission 3. No, not the torpedoes! Noooo!

Ahem, yes. As I was about to say... yes, kill the fighters first, then go for the turrets. And remember, if you take the Epee, you'd better be careful when you tail a Gratha. They ain't kidding around with those mines.

...Oh, I was only half-serious about mission 3. In fact, the traumatic part was when the enemy consistently failed to kill the station in spite of my best efforts :p.
The Gratha`s mines is the best trick they do.I really enjoy it when they do that to me (Im not crazy,I enjoy it if I dont die,cause I blast `em after)!!
I get very angry cause I cant do the same trick with the mines,when someone is tailing me....
I always have trouble with mission 1 because the enemies keep coming...and coming...and coming. I have no trouble keeping alive, but the enemies just won't stop appearing faster than I can chase them down.
Do I have to capture the Fralthi? I saw some movies where they transfer Daniels to a Fralthi, a Fralthi is under repairs, etc. So if mission 2 fails the Fralthi gets it on mission 3 (alt) is that path closed?

Anyway... The following mission with the bugs. It's a nice mission, but it suffers from the "everything but the kitchen sink" syndrome. They should cut it into 2 different missions. Because if you fail the last and most difficult part, you must replay the entire mission again. 10 minutes on some easy, semi-automatic mindless action so you can get to the tough part. That's not good mission design. Don't get me wrong; I think UE is great, but to make a mission where you refuel 3 times, and save several different objectives? That's like putting 3 missions in 1. If you fail the last, you must replay all 3. Over and over. Kind of boring. At least put the very-difficult part first, so it takes less replaying time to finish it.

BTW, yes, the Epee is ugly, but so is the scimitar. When I started UE and saw the very two worst confed ships in history, I knew this would be trouble.
Well no one here has an excuse for replaying any mission too many times ;) But seriously we were trying to instill a sense of fear in the player which wasn't done very successfully in WCP, while all the development team now hates mission 3 thats because we had to bug test numerous versions. Had you landed you wouldn't have gotten the sense of urgency, although had we had a beaufort room available who knows? ;)
A really long mission was what mission 3 was supposed to be :). It's supposed to be long, frustrating, exhausting and somewhat frightening. Splitting it into two missions was something that was proposed several times, but it would have destroyed the mission, really.
Originally posted by Delance
BTW, yes, the Epee is ugly, but so is the scimitar. When I started UE and saw the very two worst confed ships in history, I knew this would be trouble.

take that back. the scim is one of the best in the WC, even more so with the viper cannons.

anyways, mission 3 is great. it makes you so mad when you fail in the last couple minutes you keep playing it over and over until you win (took me 3 times to get through it.) and when you finally win, the victory is sweeter than had you just gone through and beaten it in one try.
Originally posted by Aries
take that back. the scim is one of the best in the WC, even more so with the viper cannons.

anyways, mission 3 is great. it makes you so mad when you fail in the last couple minutes you keep playing it over and over until you win (took me 3 times to get through it.) and when you finally win, the victory is sweeter than had you just gone through and beaten it in one try.

No I don't take that back. :) The The Scimitar was never supposed to be a good ship, it's avarege at best. That's what it was designed for. Pilots on WC1 didn't like it at all, and Iceman was very happy when it was retired... On SM2.
Originally posted by Delance
No I don't take that back. :) The The Scimitar was never supposed to be a good ship, it's avarege at best. That's what it was designed for. Pilots on WC1 didn't like it at all, and Iceman was very happy when it was retired... On SM2.

if it wasn't a good ship, how come it was in confed inventory for 129 years (came in 2526, retired in 2655)? Knight loved the Scim and Iceman was happy it was gone cause it wasn't as manuverable as a hornet or rapier, not cause it wasn't a good ship. and considering it was one of only two ships in WC1 with the mass driver (which if you time it right, can take just about any fighter down in one pass) i can't see how anyone could say the scim wasn't a good ship. as for UE, putting the viper cannons on it just made the Scim go from a good fighter to one of the best. i always take the scim when i get a choice.