Any foods you're just sick of?

Originally posted by steampunk
I hope I never have to cook for you guys. I've been cooking for 16 years and nothing pisses me off more than people who have wierd traumatic experiences with food that they can't get over. Jesus, its a banana Concordia. 6 foot tall guy can't handle a banana?

I could understand it.. maybe the bananna was taller than 6 feet.

That and people who totally dismiss whole food types for no reason. I have a friend, doesn't like soup. No reason, just doesn't like it. WTF?

Maybe his dad drowned in a bowl of soup.
Originally posted by ChrisReid
I could understand it.. maybe the bananna was taller than 6 feet.

I'm not a guy for starters.

I just don't like bananas because it reminds me of highschool and perverted teenage guys. Think about it. I need not say more

Originally posted by steampunk
If you don't want to choke on the bones. Then take them out.
Easier said than done.

Originally posted by steampunk
I've been doing it since I was 5. Really quite trivial. If you're worried you might miss a bone, then be more careful.
That's just the thing - it slows dinner down to a painful crawl. On the other hand, I love soft white fish like Ling where all bones can easily be removed, with no tiny ones left to stab your mouth and throat...

Originally posted by Concordia
I just don't like bananas because it reminds me of highschool and perverted teenage guys. Think about it.
I'd rather not. And bananas make me thirsty. :( And they're really bad when they're old and/or squished/bruised. Which is why I've avoided bananas for several years.
Originally posted by Concordia
I'm not a guy for starters.

I just don't like bananas because it reminds me of highschool and perverted teenage guys. Think about it. I need not say more

I don't think many people are aware of this.. maybe you should send in a fan directory profile?
Brussels sprouts. Soy meat (give me the real beef, damnit!). Mexican food, because there are too damn many Mexican restaurants around, and more opening every day (I feel this way about McDonald's too, more clown food around than I can stand!; and yes, I've had real home-made Mexican with "lots" of variety, but even though it was good, it comes down to what Chris said about it.
McDonalds were supporting Afghanistan after September 11 y'know. Apparently they held a rally and gave out free burgers to those protesting strikes against the Taliban.
Originally posted by ChrisReid
I don't think many people are aware of this.. maybe you should send in a fan directory profile?

Are you really that interested in bananas and teenage sexual perversion? :)

J/K. You're right, people probably didn't have a clue.
Originally posted by steampunk
That and people who totally dismiss whole food types for no reason. I have a friend, doesn't like soup. No reason, just doesn't like it. WTF?
There's always a reason. Personally, I simply hate the way fish taste.
I'm no fan of seafood myself. Some types of fish, like salmon, are very good. But generally I don't like it much. Not my kind of restaurant.
And fish are not evil. If you don't want to choke on the bones. Then take them out. I've been doing it since I was 5. Really quite trivial. If you're worried you might miss a bone, then be more careful. If you are too lazy to do either. Get the fish monger to fillet it for you or learn to do it yourself.

Fish is probably great, I just don't eat it (G) It's... like a religious thing, maybe?
the heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep boiled in its own intestines :eek:

(I will not fear, fear is the mind killer, the little death that brings total oblivion.)
Concordia, I was not aware. I thought all the, what was it 10?, girls that were on this board before would have disappeared by now due to the lack of WC. As for the banana, I'm so sorry.

No, there is no reason for the soup. I asked several times.

I hear haggis is really quite good once you get over the ingredients.

Yes, McDonalds and soy meat does indeed suck. So do Burger King and KFC and pasta not cooked al dente. And Australian grown rice.