Another website update!


Mr. Standoff
So, I've just uploaded another news update to our site, detailing the progress we've made in the past couple weeks - in May we made much more progress than in previous months, specially in the voiceovers department.

There's also a bit of news there that all of you who had been asking about cameos will like to see. :)

I wish I could show the screenshot, but that would take all the fun away from it. :p

Just a small update this time, to let you know that we are indeed still making progress. It's only been two weeks since the last update, but there's actually been quite a bit of progress. That's the good news - the bad news, I suppose, is that most of the progress has been on Episode... Five :-P.

Let's start with Episode 4, though. The missions continue to move towards completion at a slow but steady pace. There isn't anything major to report here, but progress is being made.

In the meantime, we continue to add voiceovers into the game. In the case of Episode 4, we currently have almost half of the voiceovers implemented in the game, and a number of others are expected to arrive soon. Voiceovers are also the area in which Episode 5 has moved a big step forward, too - we appear to now have a third, possibly more, of the voiceovers for this episode. It's worth noting that we expect all the Episode 5 voiceovers to be done at the same time as Episode 4 - these days, when we send our actors their lines, we send all their lines through to the end of the game. That's the way we should really have done it right from the start, and it would have saved us a huge, huge portion of problems (fan project leaders, take note!)... but the truth is, it wasn't until just a few months ago that all the remaining Episode 5 scripts were finished, so we couldn't send them out earlier :-P.

In terms of voiceovers, there is also one other minor, but extremely neat bit of progress. We thought about keeping this one secret, but ultimately decided that it might go unnoticed in the game itself - and in addition, by mentioning it on the website, we are able to give public thanks to Marten Davies.

That's right - Marten Davies, the man who used to be the VP of Sales at Origin, and then the Chairman at Digital Anvil, has been kind enough to record a voiceover line as Tolwyn for Standoff! In case some of you are confused as to why we'd seek out him in particular to do this - Marten Davies also played Tolwyn in the WC2 intro. So, Admiral Tolwyn in Standoff is literally the original WC2 Tolwyn :-).

It's really an amazing thing how great and supportive former Origin staff are (and have always been) to the WC community - thanks, guys!

However, apart from progress, we also need to mention a serious problem we're having - also with voiceovers, in fact. For the past two months, we've been unable to get in touch with Andi Kravljaca, the man who plays Commodore Reismann in Standoff. Quarto's emails have bounced with some weird error, and Tempest - although his emails appear to be getting through, have not yielded a response. This is an especially critical problem, because... well, Reismann is the guy you hear in almost every briefing in Standoff, so you can imagine how many lines he has, and how much we'll need to change in the game if it turns out that we can no longer get lines for him :-(. Ironically, the last thing we heard from Andi was that he'd finished recording his lines, and would send them soon... anyway, Andi, if you're reading this, please get in touch with us! We really, really need you!
we send all their lines through to the end of the game. That's the way we should really have done it right from the start, and it would have saved us a huge, huge portion of problems (fan project leaders, take note!)

Noted ;)

And it is great to hear that we will get to hear Tolwyn's voice one more a WC2 sense.
That is fantastic! I'm glad you guys were able to include Towlyn and that progress is coming along!

Please keep up the work and the updates!
Yep, well, progress is all well and good, but to be honest, the most important part of this update is, unfortunately, its last paragraph. If we can't re-establish contact with our Reismann, we're gonna have to make some major, major changes to the game, and that's gonna be yet another significant delay :(.
Yep, well, progress is all well and good, but to be honest, the most important part of this update is, unfortunately, its last paragraph. If we can't re-establish contact with our Reismann, we're gonna have to make some major, major changes to the game, and that's gonna be yet another significant delay :(.

WOO HOO!!! Go Quarto, go Quarto, its your birthday... I know... "Shut up Frosty!!"
That's fantastic. He did a great job as Tolwyn the WC2 intro. Poor Blair.

From Wedge's:
Tolwyn: Without your flight recorder as evidence, the court couldn’t convict you of anything but negligence. But I know the destruction of the Tiger’s Claw was your fault. And I still believe that you’re guilty of treason. Your ridiculous claims about a Kilrathi ‘cloaking device’–
Maverick: It’s true, sir. The Kilrathi have invisible fighters–
Tolwyn: Enough! The court already demoted you to Captain, and as far as I’m concerned, your career in the Navy is over. My secretary has already drawn up your resignation.
Maverick: I’m not guilty, sir. I won’t sign it.
Tolwyn: Have it your way then, Captain. I have a request from In-System Security for a veteran pilot. I’m transferring you to the security forces. You’ll spend the rest of your career on a space station… You’ll be the ISS’s problem, not mine. Now get out of here… and I hope we never meet again. Traitor.
About that problem you're having... Maybe you don't need to change it so much... Find an excuse why somebody else is holding a briefing?
Great thing about Marten Davies, i always wondered about origin crew's stance on those fan made games...
About that problem you're having... Maybe you don't need to change it so much... Find an excuse why somebody else is holding a briefing?
Well, yes, that's exactly what we'll need to do - but the point is, that is a huge change for us to make. It'll involve a lot of additional work on our part, if it comes to that.
Hardly... It's enough of a problem if we have to get one of our *current* actors to re-record all of his lines, say, if we find some excuse to have Bradshaw give the briefings, or some such. If we have to actually audition people again, given the importance of the role, it would be a while until we could find a good replacement that could record all those hundreds of lines in a reasonable time frame. :(
You could still tell it was a different person rather easily in Secret Ops, but I get your point.

Well, Standoff, I hope Reismann's VA comes back...sounds it would be one major headache to get around. Good luck...
The original Tolwyn...

Got to hand it to you the Standoff guys for bringing back a part of WCII I though I'd never hear again.
Well, yes, that's exactly what we'll need to do - but the point is, that is a huge change for us to make. It'll involve a lot of additional work on our part, if it comes to that.

How come? Couldn't you just make some background news, and make his "assistant" hold the briefing?