Another batch of assorted questions


Here's hoping you guys can get me answers.

1 - What do Kilrathi eat? Obviously meat, but how do they prepare it? Do they cook it? Do they have hunters go out for the food, or are there herds of animals for them to eat like we have cows?

2 - What is reality?

3 - I've heard things both ways: some WC ships have onboard AI to help out, others don't. Which would and which wouldn't? I don't mean "Military ships would, civilian not." Under what circumstances would one be necessary? Not the Navcom AI, I mean one that can talk to the crew, answer questions, make suggestions on dozens of things based on data, etc.

4 - What year were the Vampire, Wasp, Borderworlds Style Banshee, the Original Excal w/o cloak, and the Thunderbolt 7 introduced (knowing that those aren't necessarily official releases, when were they ready for duty)?

5 - Do we know anything about the Thunderbolt 5 or 6 in the WC universe?

6 - When was the Rapier de-comissioned?

7 - The Kilrathi often used the Darket as a "throw away" fighter like the TIE fighters of Star Wars. Although the Confederation is not so eager to throw away it's well trained pilots, has there ever been a fighter that, in the least, was treated that way?

8 - What the hell was Maniac's problem?

9 - Obviously most of the Confed carriers had to be largely assembled in orbit. What's the largest vehicle throughout the WC history that could land on a planet? Was it a capital ship? Was it MEANT to land on a planet, or did a captain figure out that hey, we can do this?

I think that's all for now. Thanks a lot!
Originally posted by TyeDyeBoy
9 - Obviously most of the Confed carriers had to be largely assembled in orbit. What's the largest vehicle throughout the WC history that could land on a planet? Was it a capital ship? Was it MEANT to land on a planet, or did a captain figure out that hey, we can do this?

the tarwa landed and another tarawa clas carrier landed on a gas giant in fleet action
1- If they build spaceships I assume they cook the meat...
2- The the negative image of dreams.
3- Star Trek ? I don't like Star Trek.
4- Don't have a clue.
5- See 4.
6- See 5.
7- No, 'cause we're the good guys, and good guys don't send pilots in suicide ships. Maybe the Epee.
8- Lack of sex? Rough childhood?
9-Can you see the Midway landing on a planet? Oh yes, the Concordia did...
The Tawara didn't land either. If it can land on a Gas Giant, I can land on a cloud. Even the term "land" specifies that you have to touch some sort of ground to be landed.
WHAT rocky outcropping? It is a GAS GIANT. That means that It's nothing but gas except at the VERY center, at which point the pressure would have crushed any of hte ships anyway.
1 - What do Kilrathi eat? Obviously meat, but how do they prepare it? Do they cook it? Do they have hunters go out for the food, or are there herds of animals for them to eat like we have cows?

1. The Kilrathi eat meat raw (Freedom Flight) -- there are herd beasts, and they have no qualms about killing and eating sentients (WC3 novel, WCA). They do prefer to hunt for food (WC1), although that isn't always possible.

2. What ever LOAF tells you.

3. All ships have onboard AIs, although they vary in quality.

4. The Borderworlds style Banshee is a converted patrol fighter... they're later used as trainers. The first Excaliburs entered service in 2669 -- the only version to carry a cloaking device standard is the post-war RF-103. The Thunderbolt VII entered service in 2668. We don't know when the Vampire and Wasp entered service, but it was in that order.

5. No -- and we have no idea when they existed. THe could be closer to today than they are to WC.

6. The Rapier I was decomissioned in '54. The Rapier II was still in Confed service in 2668, Landreich service in 2672 and Border Worlds service in 2673.

7. No.

8. He's always had something to prove.

9. As far as we know, all capital ships can land in atmospheres -- the largest we've seen actually do so is the 920 meter Bhantkara class heavy carriers.
::scribble scribble:: gooood... ok...

4 - The Banshee, converted fighter. Obviously it's become a standard conversion, do we know roughly when that started? I didn't know it was converted, I thought it was put together from a bunch of handy parts. Patrol fighter... we know anything about that? Ok, I thought the one Flash flew was first with the cloak to be introduced standard.
It was started by the Border Worlds, for the two week war... in '73.

It was a old "three man patrol fighter" before it became a light fighter.

The Excalibur prototype Flash flies doesn't have a Shroud -- nor do the ones that Gold Squadron flies off Victory later. It's only the one you attack Kilrah with that has a cloaking device..
Originally posted by TyeDyeBoy
Here's hoping you guys can get me answers.

7 - The Kilrathi often used the Darket as a "throw away" fighter like the TIE fighters of Star Wars. Although the Confederation is not so eager to throw away it's well trained pilots, has there ever been a fighter that, in the least, was treated that way?

I think that's all for now. Thanks a lot!

The EPEE, the FERRET ;)
You say that, but how often did you see Confed send ten or so out to take down a pair of fighters only to have them completely wasted? Not very often. That's why I was wondering if there was one I'd not heard if, in the books perhaps.
$tormin is correct -- Confed puts their pilots through four years of Academy or through college... they're too expensive to waste on mass suicide missions.

The furballs, on the other hand, can learn by doing... <G>
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

The furballs, on the other hand, can learn by doing... <G>
Hey LOAF, I was wondering... do we have any info on numbers of the human and Kilrathi populations before the war started?
No... but we know that 2.1 trillion humans and 7.4 trillion Kilrathi died -- so the populations must be far higher than that.
Well... what I'd like to know is whether the Kilrathi pop was greater than the human... (all colonies included)
From the numbers you gave me, that seems to be the case...
The Kilrathi definitly have either more all around population, or a higher percent of the population in the military (ie the warrier caste) or both.