All please read!

Lucky you. :) The situation for students here in NZ is quite bad. We (or I suppose I should say they, as I'm not one anymore) actually get less financial help than people who are collecting the unemployment benifit, which seems a little odd.

The downside to that is students come out university with loans that can take a decade or two to pay off. It wasn't all that bleak for me as, as the profession I'm going into (pharmacy, I'm currently doing my internship) pays well and has a lot of jobs going. There are some students though, who come out with a S30,000 to S40,000 loan for degrees in the sciences, music and the arts, which are never going to pay that well.

That in turn means we're going to lose a lot of young graduates as they head overseas to countries that pay better. For a small country like NZ, that's really shooting ourselves in the foot, but the government just doesn't seem to want to listen. :(

Best, Raptor
Are you over here on a scolarship then? Or are you Australian?

Actually, now that you mention it, I didn't get any money from the government either (talk about rose-tinted glasses!). I'd forgotten that I had to work a night job packing shelves in a supermarket to pay for my time at uni. I must admit I was still living at home when I was at uni, so the government said - "No money for you sunshine, you can leech off your poor parents for another 4 years!".

But in general I think my point about money from the governmet would be true.

Umm ... now what has this got to do with WC?? Oh yeh, it was during this time that I bought my first WC game - WCIII ... aaah the memories :)
You are all so far...I still have two years until I have the f***** School behind me! If I have the luck to come until the examination (every school year I usually have the luck to pass it....but always short before repeating....this year I will also have the math problem ( in Germany one is the best mark, 6 the worst and I got always something between 5 and 6 in it)...but I am happy to have made the 11th class ( yesterday I was happy to get a 5 in math back not a 6)...but there are also light moments: Since I am here I better trained my English....and I got a 1!! in it. And I am good at Geographie and of that both I maybe want to study, or Meteorologie, if I don't go to the Bundeswehr, what I'd like better since women may go there...because I really don't know whether I'd like to learn any more after school! But I am a little jealous on you, because you all (except some) are ready with school! If I look at the time I still have to go to school, I could run out and (I better don't say). And the worst two years even come! Aarggh!!! Will I ever make it?
Manjana, I think you will miss school some day. I have to write my "Abitur" in 2 weeks and I really already miss the good old time where you sat in school and could do what you want because it did not count for anything.
All adults miss school one day, or? But in fact, I liked the practical training better than school. But this comes because I always hear there by the idiots in my class how 'disabled' I am. This goes so since all years I go to the Gym and maybe because of that I don't like school. I am happy when I've finished it. And you now make your Abi? Didn't know that...I still have 2 years...good luck. I will think of you when the others at my school do. Which subjects did you choose?
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Manjana, I think you will miss school some day. I have to write my "Abitur" in 2 weeks and I really already miss the good old time where you sat in school and could do what you want because it did not count for anything.

Ah, yes. It was always a lot easier to "give the finger" (either literally or metaphorically) to some teacher who got paid by the hour than to the guy who writes your own paychecks.

Best, Raptor
Please please not. Don't let this thread turn into one about the theme: 'I am adult and I wish the time back when I went to school.'). This is what I always hear by my parents. And I really get nerved/ bored by it. (I hear it every day mind. 3 times). I know I began with that theme, but so I also would like to finish it off before the discussion gets too close. Please! :)
sit in school when it didn't count for anything hum, when did it not count, junior high? Those were the days, me and some of my friends sat around reading computer mags all day :) . Marks didn't mean squat at that point, ethier you passed or you didn't. The vice-principal was the man, I remember him giving me permission to leave the school to go off and get a coke at the store one time.

p.s this isn't 'I am adult and I wish the time back when I went to school.' because I'm no where near finished my education yet, and quite bluntly I wouldn't want to go back to junior high even though I have to admit it had it's moments.

[Edited by Dekkar on 03-24-2001 at 10:17]
Originally posted by Manjana
(...) this year I will also have the math problem ( in Germany one is the best mark, 6 the worst and I got always something between 5 and 6 in it)...but I am happy to have made the 11th class ( yesterday I was happy to get a 5 in math back not a 6)...but there are also light moments: Since I am here I better trained my English....and I got a 1!! in it. (...)
Hey, since we constitute a sort of international community here at the CIC, I was curious about the grading/marking system in each of your countries...


Manjana, you mentioned "1" as a good mark... Eh eh, a 1 in France or Italy is the worst mark you can get after zero...

In Italy, we grade on a total of 10 in high school... 7+ is already an very good grade... sometimes they give "tens and merit" (10 e lode), the HIGHESt mark you can get!
In university, exams are graded on a total of 30...

In France, grades are given on a total of 20. 16 is a very good mark, but getting a 20 is not as hard as in Italy to get a 10.
I don't know about uni.

In America, I understand you guys go with the letter system, A+, B-, C... that sort of thing...

How about the rest? And if anyone has more details about Germany or America, don't hesitate to post... :)
In the US, younger children are graded with an A, B, C, D, F scale...

In High School & College you're *given* the same scale -- but then it converts and averages into a GPA -- a numerical system. An "A" is 4, "B" 3, "C" 2, "D" 1 and "F" 0... it all gets worked into an average (accounting for number of credits per class and such). There are various other modifiers -- an honors class might give you a 5 instead of a 4 for an A and such...

*Generally*, plusses and minuses aren't real parts of grades.
BW_Dave: Yes, I am here on a scholarship, and I'm not Australian. And yes, one always sees the past through rose-tinted glasses :).

Manjana: If everybody keeps repeating that same line, don't you think there might be some truth in it? :) But actually, school isn't really that much fun for people who are at school. It's just that university, and real life, are harder than school, so it's only natural to miss 'the old days'. This is partially also because our minds are much more eager to forget the bad things than the good things.

Regarding various grading systems. In Poland we have the reverse of what the Germans apparently have - we've got 6 as the best grade, and 1 as the worst. At least that's the way it is in school. I think at uni they might only have 2-5, but I don't know for sure, because I never studied at uni in Poland - I ran away as fast as I possibly could ;-).
Damn straight Quarto. The past always seems like it was better because we only tend to think back to the good. Taking my earlier mentioned junior high days, sure they seem wounderful if I think back to them for a second. If I take a moment to remember the bad as well as the good however they were horrible. Those were the days I struggled with such problems as puberty and such. The days I first started to get interested in girls, but they all thought I was a geek [with good reason I might add]. The days when I had difficulty being excepted. As well as the days I spent most of my time locked away in my room playing video games, because I didn't know of any better way to spend my time. Come to think of it Junior high really sucked.
Well, I'm in my last year of high school and I really can't wait till it's over. It's as if Sec. 5 is the one year they make up for all the other times we just came to school and slept. Too much homework, no time for anything else except on the weekend... I can't wait till it's summer.

Heh... my dad just makes fun of me how I'm stuck in a room all day...

In Canada we get our grades in percentages execpt in primary school. Then we got our grades in letters.

[Edited by Cricket on 03-25-2001 at 00:02]
Hate to break it to you, but if you plan on going on to pst-secondary it's not likely to get any easier :( . Maybe you should try and enjoy the fact that while the last year of high school is hard, at least it's still pretty much free :) .
Except I'm going to Royal Military College, so I'm going to get paid!

Eventually anyways. I'm still not clear on how that works :(
wow i'd never even heard of "Royal Military College" before seems kind of interesting, but I think I'll stick with the purely academic myself.