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G2 - Krieger G.16 : Tactical Reposition

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Escort and defend the Cerberus

Secondary Objectives Defend friendly bombers

Your Ship "Black" Vampire

Wingmen Amazon, Spyder

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing (Devastator) : Stiletto (Wing leader), Zero, Maestro.

Briefing. Friendly forces in this system report an immense blockade presence leading up to the Proxima jump point. We will eliminate the alien capital ships one by one. Our first step is a tactical repositioning for Cerberus. Escort the cruiser along this route and defend against any hostiles.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 1 Orca

2 Barracuda

2 Red Manta

3 Manta

6 Stingray

NAV 2 - 1 Triton

2 Skate B

2 Barracuda

3 Lamprey

1 Manta

3 Moray

Wave 2

6 Manta

Wave 3

1 Manta

2 Moray

Wave 4

3 Moray

NAV 3 - 2 Ray

2 Red Manta

4 Lamprey

2 Devil Ray



  • There are a hell of a lot of bugs on this mission. Be sure to use your missiles to best effect, but try not to find yourself running out when you need them most. Its a careful balance.
  • The bombers will do their bit destroying the capships. You just do your bit and keep the fighters and turrets off their backs.


Success / Failure go to G3