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G3 - Krieger U.00 : Carrier Assault One

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Eliminate all alien carrier gun turrets

Eliminate all alien carrier missile turrets

Bonus Objectives Eliminate 75% of alien fighters

Your Ship "Black" Vampire

Wingmen Amazon, Zero

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing (Vampires) : Spyder (Wing leader), Stiletto, Maestro.

Briefing. Alien fighter presence in this system is extremely heavy. Sweep this NAV route of all alien fighters. You will come across the alien Carrier during this patrol. Eliminate the Carrier's turret defenses in anticipation of a subsequent bomber strike.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 6 Moray

4 Manta

Wave 2

6 Manta

8 Moray

NAV 2 - 1 Leviathan

2 Triton

3 Barracuda

3 Lamprey

5 Moray

Three waves of Squid, Manta, Moray unless carrier is destroyed

Between NAV 2 and Cerberus - 4 Moray

3 Manta

1 Devil Ray



  • Don't forget the primary objective is to destroy all of the carrier's turrets. If the autopilot light comes on before you have done this, try not to hit the autopilot until the job is done. It will make the next mission a lot easier.
  • Just avoiding NAV 2 all together isn't going to help you...I think the notes inside the mission say it best: //Been to Nav1, then returned to Cerberus, well **** YOU


Success / Failure go to G4