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F1 - Sirius 12.00 : Supply Line Crunch

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Eliminate Alien Transports

Secondary Objectives Eliminate Alien Corvettes

Bonus Objectives Eliminate 75% of enemy fighters

Your Ship "Black" Shrike

Wingmen Maestro, Stiletto

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing (Panthers) : Zero (Wing leader), Spyder, Amazon.

Briefing. Midway is on the other side of the Sirius system with respect to our position. Her efforts are being suppressed by an immense alien presence. Our task is to eliminate the alien supply lines and any capital ships on this side of the system. Follow this NAV route and knock out any alien supply vessels you find.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 1 Triton

1 Barracuda

5 Manta

NAV 2 - 2 Triton

4 Stingray

3 Manta

NAV 3 - 1 Barracuda

1 Triton

3 Manta

6 Stingray



  • What you have to worry about most on this mission probably isn't the alien fighters, but running out of torpedos. Unless you do some serious turret killing work, you and your wingmen probably wont be able to do your job.
  • The secondary objective, destroying the corvettes, is simple enough. You can't autopilot until the NAV point is clear of Barracudas. Either leave them to your wingmen, or get behind the corvette and unload with the Dust cannon and maybe a few Mosquitoes for good measure.


Success / Failure go to F2