Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


PlayThing(tm)# 868 

Name PlayThing(tm)
About PlayThing(tm) - for a different kind of entertainment, if you get my drift. PlayThing(tm) is a popular magazine that is always in demand, particularly on mining bases.

This commodity is usually sold on pirate bases and can be traded for between 16 and 39 credits per unit in 2669, and between 36 and 64 credits in 2670.

Related records:
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 5 2003


F-108A Panther  
Kirha hrai Hun  
Lehman Carbons  
TB-81A Shrike   
TCS Hornet's N  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C  