Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Thaddeus O'Brian# 1530 

Name Thaddeus O'Brian
Rank Commodore
Faction Terran Confederation
Race Human
About After he graduated from the Academy he dinged a destroyer in a docking maneuver and they pulled him off to transport command where he’s been ever since. Captained transports for 29 years before being sent into the office back on Earth. He had a hand in the design of the CVE escort carrier while with transport ship and design and helped in the change over of this model to light escort carrier configuration.
Because he new transports inside and out, and thinking it would be a quick tour of duty to get his ticket punched, a red combat tab in his file, and then he’d runs back to fleet HQ and continues his climb, he pulled an assignment commanding the TCS Tarawa. He dies at Kilrah when a Strakha does a Kamikaze hit into the bridge of the Tarawa.

Physical description: His face is lined with deep set wrinkles with dark intense eyes. Balding on top with his hair combed over from one side in an attempt to cover it up. Bulbous nose, heavily veined and dark red. (A drinkers nose.) Over weight, shoulders slightly hunched, weak grip, clammy palms, and shifty eyes when uneasy.

Personality: He has a maddeningly inconsistent behavior: one minute almost too friendly with his subordinates, the next climbing up on his high horse to lecture and shout He knows nothing about the running of flight operations, has a big grievance with pilots, won’t take the advice of others and tries to make himself sound more important. Has been know to drink on duty.

Related records: Kevin Tolwyn, TCS Tarawa
Record edited by Rob McKay
Last modified Aug 4 2004


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Dilligent Tran  
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Johnson and Ca  

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