Xmen 3


Rear Admiral
So who has seen it? I desperately want to talk to other people who've seen it to see what your reaction/opinion was of the film. Don't really want to fill this thread with spoilers or anything, so maybe just send me an instant message?

Seen it as I am also or was a huge comic geek. Thought it was a pretty good movie leaves me with wanting more thought. Not a big fan of some of the character changes such as juggernaut but nothing is perfect. Like his line to kitty though. Guess I can't get to much into it with out spoiling it as I don't know how to use those tags. I do beleive the phoenix thing could of lasted a bit longer.
xvxoffmychestxvx is my screen name.

Yeah, interesting how they melded the entire Phoenix/Dark Phoenix concepts into one film (inaccurately I'm sure) I actually liked it and have been thinking about it ever since. I thought the "key" characters of this one had more depth despite the low screen time of the 78 new characters they threw into it. Kitty Pride was cute, even if she looks really young :eek: Now I just need to see it again and stay until the end of the credits.
This may contain a spoiler or two read at own risk!!!

Now don't get me wrong I loved the movie and I hope there is another one but heres a few things I felt could of been alittle different to help the movie out.

The phoenix situation now I know its almost impossible to please all the diehard marvel fans out there but I don't think Ratner knows or cares about the characters as much as Singer did. In the last movie x2 every time Jean was delving into her phoenix power you would see some sort of flame and even at the end you say the outline of the bird in the lake. Now correct me if I’m wrong here people but in x3 no flame whatsoever comes off of jean no evil flaming bird or nothing. Ratner did a good job of making her look evil but I think he could done more on that.

Old Juggernaut I loved every scene I saw him in. I don't really mind that they took away his mystical origin and turned him into a mutant. But what bugs me is that he is Charles step brother. I know the makers prob didn't want to go into there history as they are already over flowing with characters in this film but they could of easily snuck in a refrence. Say when Professor X is going inside with Magneto to confront Jean/Phoenix the professor passes right by Juggernaut with no acknowledgement what so ever. The professor could of just said Hello Cain and Jug could of been hey chucky or something like that how hard could it of been to sneak something like that in the film.

Beast also loved his character liked the little cameo in X2. I think they missed an opportunity to develop his character alittle. The majority of the movie deals with the so called cure. Since Beast had a human cameo in x2 then that can lead you to believe that he attempted to cure himself as in the comics which resulted in him becoming the blue furry animal. I think they could of developed this into something since they where already in the middle of the same plot.

Rouge what can I say I like the character she’s one of my favorites I hope the series is not over. (maybe the cures not permanent maybe a bigger villain such as sinister or better yet apocalypse has used it to kidnap Her or some type of bigger plot since the end of her story sort of sucks)

Didn’t really like the lets just combine powers into one mutant for plot sake. That sort of screws up the possibilities of what can come into the sequels. Basically what I mean is its screwing up the continuity. Who the heck knows whats going on since things aren’t kept straight. I guess it doesn’t matter since they could mess more characters up to counter act some of the screw ups they already did but that leads into a huge mess. Happens all the time in comics people usually just forget about them or some magic happens and everything returns to normal. In a big expensive feature film they should keep some of the stories straight. There is a ton of great comic stories out there and it doesn’t seem like they need major changes to be a successful film.

Ill leave it at that I know its gotten a bit long let me know if I screwd anything up I saw the movie very late and its even later now when Im typing this. I did enjoy the movie greatly and would love to see another x men film.

Well, it wasn't that bad, I guess, but it was definitely pretty bad compared to X2 (which in turn wasn't anywhere near as good as X1).

What I utterly hated, was those idiotic goths. Ugh! We're bad mutants, so we cover ourselves with tattoos and wear black clothers? What hell was about? Goths are the single stupidest-looking sub-culture in the world. What kind of an idiot do you have to be as a director, to make the choice of having the arch-villain's "army" dressed up as a bunch of emotionally-insecure teenagers?

For me, one of the highlights of the movie was actually seeing all those idiot goths getting torn to shreds. That was fun. Seriously, Magneto's forces seemed a hundred times more dangerous when it was just Mystique, Sabretooth and Toad. Three well-developed and well-designed characters are always a better choice than three hundred generic goths. But then again, could anything be worse than goths?

Also, Pheonix. Good grief, that sucked. Her role in this movie could be summed up as: stand there/kill/stand there/kill/stand there/kill/stand there/kill/die. Wow! What an extraordinary character. What amazing character development. And what an amazing costume - I'll take the yellow spandex, thank you very much... especially if it's worn by an actual character instead of an ultra-powerful statue.

Finally, there was simply way too many characters in this movie, and way too much happening. As a consequence, a lot of the main characters from the previous movies didn't get the screen time they deserved. I can't understand why Cyclops would have a grand total of five minutes on-screen while Bobby and Kitty(who were mere cameos in the first movie, for crying out loud!) would get an hour. I can't understand why Rogue got so little screen time, too. Heck - if I hadn't seen the first two movies, I wouldn't understand what was up with her. I wouldn't even know what her power was, and why she so desperately wanted to get rid of it. And why was Angel on the movie poster anyway? He's so insignificant, nobody would've even noticed had all the scenes with him been cut.

...On the bright side, at least Wolverine and Magneto were still there.
Stone48420 said:
The phoenix situation now I know its almost impossible to please all the diehard marvel fans out there but I don't think Ratner knows or cares about the characters as much as Singer did.

An implicitly dense thing to say - given that Singer only started reading X-Men comics right before looking for a script. Outside of that he has no established fandom with the series. It's safe to say that he lacks the love of, say, Guillermo del Toro or even Sam Raimi; to Singer, this was just another movie.

Stone48420 said:
The professor could of just said Hello Cain and Jug could of been hey chucky or something like that how hard could it of been to sneak something like that in the film.

Movie and comic continuity is seperate. Not only could Xavier and Juggernaut not be related but Juggernaut could also be a mutant in the movies.

I did enjoy the movie greatly and would love to see another x men film.

Already been greenlighted by FOX.
Quarto said:

Well, it wasn't that bad, I guess, but it was definitely pretty bad compared to X2 (which in turn wasn't anywhere near as good as X1).

X-Men: The Last Stand suffered from much the same problem as the original X-Men: it simply wasn't long enough to give its plotlines time to breathe.

What I utterly hated, was those idiotic goths. Ugh! We're bad mutants, so we cover ourselves with tattoos and wear black clothers? What hell was about? Goths are the single stupidest-looking sub-culture in the world. What kind of an idiot do you have to be as a director, to make the choice of having the arch-villain's "army" dressed up as a bunch of emotionally-insecure teenagers?

Unfortunately, writers Penn and Kinberg felt it was more important to showcase various mutants and their powers rather than convey story and character. Did we need to see Random Mutant Girl #11 writing in her notebook by force of mind? No. Ratner, Penn and Kinberg thought we did, though.

For me, one of the highlights of the movie was actually seeing all those idiot goths getting torn to shreds. That was fun. Seriously, Magneto's forces seemed a hundred times more dangerous when it was just Mystique, Sabretooth and Toad. Three well-developed and well-designed characters are always a better choice than three hundred generic goths. But then again, could anything be worse than goths?

Sadly, the goths (Callisto, Psylocke and some other random mutant) were a complete waste of time. Callisto's two fights with Storm? Terribly planned and indeed worthless to the movie.

Also, Pheonix. Good grief, that sucked. Her role in this movie could be summed up as: stand there/kill/stand there/kill/stand there/kill/stand there/kill/die. Wow! What an extraordinary character. What amazing character development. And what an amazing costume - I'll take the yellow spandex, thank you very much... especially if it's worn by an actual character instead of an ultra-powerful statue.

I've never read an X-Men comic in my life, but from what I could tell, Jean Grey/Phoenix was terribly underused. This is a character that was built up as a Class 5 mutant (in the movie's terms) and as an uncontrollable, unstoppable force -- at the end of the hour and 45 minutes, though, Phoenix had done precisely three things: kill Cyclops, kill Xavier, and allow Wolverine to kill her. Outside of a ginormous The Day After Tomorrow-like wave, there was nothing to pay off the build-up for Phoenix. And that's symptomatic of the script. This story easily needed another half-hour to breathe and really develop.

Finally, there was simply way too many characters in this movie, and way too much happening. As a consequence, a lot of the main characters from the previous movies didn't get the screen time they deserved. I can't understand why Cyclops would have a grand total of five minutes on-screen while Bobby and Kitty(who were mere cameos in the first movie, for crying out loud!) would get an hour. I can't understand why Rogue got so little screen time, too. Heck - if I hadn't seen the first two movies, I wouldn't understand what was up with her. I wouldn't even know what her power was, and why she so desperately wanted to get rid of it. And why was Angel on the movie poster anyway? He's so insignificant, nobody would've even noticed had all the scenes with him been cut.

It's a problem that began with X2: X-Men United, in that there was simply too little time to devote to all the characters. In X2, Cyclops, Pyro, Jean Grey and Magneto were given precious little screen time, and while fans of those characters suffered, the movie succeeded on a whole. X2's story did not need the significant involvement of Cyclops by any means.

...On the bright side, at least Wolverine and Magneto were still there.

McKellen was one of the primary bright spots of X-Men: The Last Stand, at least according to the review I wrote for two area newspapers. While the plot was weak and the character development nearly nonexistent, I was sold on one single McKellen line: "Charles Xavier did more for mutants than you'll ever know."
I thought it was great. Internet people keep talking about bad parts, so maybe I had low expections, but it was lots of fun. I might've liked it more than the last one. The quick shots just before and after the credits were neat, and it'll be interesting to see where they go with those for the next one.
Was I the only one who thought that Kitty Pryde was amazing/cute?

Ian Mckellen (spelling?) did a great job, and I think he has been one of the highlights of the entire series. It's really interesting, when you look back, at how significant his character is throughout.

I would possibly (if I had any kind of creative control) do X4 as a Bishop oriented future storyline where he has to go back and change events in one of the previous films in order to save his future, thus possibly bringing back some of the offed mutants.
It's weird...
I was never really a Cyclops fan, but I still felt shortchanged when it came to his "death". Maybe that's what got me the most, was when main characters died, I didn't feel it. Even Xavier's death seemed too rushed/not epic enough for such a huge character.

Don't get me wrong, I still liked the movie and had a great time. It just seemed like so much stuff was going on that not enough time was given to developing the characters we had grown with since the original X-Men, and instead focus was given on introducing new mutants who didn't really do anything for the story. Oh well, Wolverine still owned.

Hey dorks, don't forget to spoiler tag. -Chris
I remember some of the complaints from the last two films being that there weren't enough mutant characters.
Been looking around the internet about the movie most diehard fans keep saying that if you didn't see a body doesn't confirm their deaths.
As with Cyclops you sort of flash away when you see phoenix kissing him. But then again it did look as though he wasn't enjoying the kiss as much as he was when they first started going at it. I think it could of been cool to have Cyclops live through out the movie and have a some type of internal conflicts with the rest of the x men.
I agree that the deaths should of had more meaning.

I kind of feel like this movie was the Mad Max of the Xmen films. Mostly action but very little dialogue. They could of added in another half hour to slow the pacing down and develop the characters a bit.
One of my favorite parts is Storms little speech about nothing to cure.


I’m happy that its not truly the last stand as there will be another. Didn't know the history with singer and the comics I just know that in his two films the characters pretty much are the same as their comic/animation counter parts with little or no major changes to the characters. Atleast singer did get a chance to look at the comic:D. Also I also can't put all the blame on Ratner as I really don't know how these movies get completed. He came in kind of late in the development of the film if Im correct, who knows what was done and wasn't.
I don't mind Jug as a mutant as I said before and I know the continuy is different but in almost all forms of x men media with the exception of the ultimates jugs is Charles step brother.
I don't see the problem with keeping it that way but then again I was just trying to give my opinion as were you.

same here I liked the movie too but I do feel the characters needed more time to develop.

I feel that talking about the negative parts usually seem to give more feedback than positive. Things I did enjoy wolverine fights every scene with Magneto and Professor X. Grammer as beast was great almost exactly what I image beast like. I felt that most of the fight scenes where better than the previous two.

I did enjoy it and I don't mean to be dense :D or overly critical of the film. I just think a few minor changes could of changed it from a good film into a great one. It does seem as though Ratner + Crew thought it was the last of the series and had to rush to tie up all the loose ends.

Yeah Kitty is very cute in a young adult don't look at her in the wrong manner because its inappropriate jail bait kind of way.;) I do think that her character did a good job in this movie I hope to see her in the sequel.