Writing on the Walls (December 18, 2005)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
You stop by the Mercenaries Guild office to flirt with the scantily clad hostess and rifle through their stack of individual CDs containing bounties and patrol missions. On the wall, a projector flashes through a series of bizarre advertisements for sex, guns, missing children and... Saddam Hussein? Have you ever wondered exactly what those posters say? Of course -- you're a Wing Commander fan! Now, for the first time, you can see them in their original format. Marvel at the fact that that child has been missing for 43 years... or that in the futuristic world of Privateer, phone sex costs more than a 9,500 ESK missile. I know where I'd get my satisfaction!

Now, let's see one of the community's graphics geniuses get to work on a high resolution LOVE YOUR DAD poster we could have printed...

Original update published on December 18, 2005
Last edited by a moderator:
The Saddam poster. It has mystified me since the first time I played Privateer.

WTF does it mean!?
The first gulf war ended in 1992. The second gulf war is the one that led up to the current occupation of Iraq by American-led forces.
The second!

First: Iran vs. Iraq
Second: Allies vs. Iraq (Desert Storm a.o.)
Third: Allies vs. Iraq

Although I know that it is popular to call the war in the beginnings of the 90ies the first gulf war, among historians and political scientist it's the second...

But 1992 is what i wanted to know. Just wondered if Sadam already was the bad guy when Privateer came out...
hmm, i suppose that the green uniform and black berret refers to the confed commandos(remember the screens of commandos on firekka?)
now we need to figure why confed commandos look like saddam...
This is one famous Saddam picture... In the early 90ies there was leaflet showing four pigs. And it asked you to find the fith pig... and after some minutes of complex folding this Saddam picture appeared... was fun back then....

Anyway, I guess every second army on this Planet wears green uniforms and black berrets...no need to see any connection to WC...
Martini Doctor said:
Anyway, I guess every second army on this Planet wears green uniforms and black berrets...no need to see any connection to WC...

Except for the unimportant little fact that it's in Privateer.:rolleyes:
Martini Doctor said:
This is one famous Saddam picture... In the early 90ies there was leaflet showing four pigs. And it asked you to find the fith pig... and after some minutes of complex folding this Saddam picture appeared... was fun back then....

Anyway, I guess every second army on this Planet wears green uniforms and black berrets...no need to see any connection to WC...
Saddam Hussein, back in the day, was really big on the olivishy-green military uniform and black beret. It was kind of his thing (...one of his things).


But is he supposed to be MY dad? Your dad? Is the poster targeted at his infamous sons? Why would they be in a Gemini Sector mercenary guild in the 27th century?

Maybe the best question is... 'why wouldn't they be in a Gemini Sector mercenary guild in the 27th century?'
This is one famous Saddam picture... In the early 90ies there was leaflet showing four pigs. And it asked you to find the fith pig... and after some minutes of complex folding this Saddam picture appeared... was fun back then....

Can you still find it? Sounds interesting.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it was called the Iran-Iraq war in the history classes I took.

Operation Desert Shield/Storm is the Gulf War.
Hm... Maybe this is then just as it among political scientists...
Not long ago I did a paper about millitary intervention by democratic coalitions in despotic systems. And in ALL the literture I used (something about thirty books and articles in german and english) they used the first, second, third - system I used in the post above.
It realy depends on the time of the publication. Before the recent gulf war most publications spoke of the first and second gulf war when it came to the former wars. After 2003 the recent war was sometimes labeled as the second gulf war, but mainly by US sources (refering to the 2nd war the US was directly involved in). Whereas in Europe and in other US publications the old version of naming the wars was maintained and the war is either refered to as 3rd gulf war in a few publications while many (at least in the German speaking countries) just refer to it as the Iraq war (especially journalists and media).
On another note while first gulf war is the norm when referring to the Iran-Iraq both are used even in the same publications at times as they dont contradict each other.
Martini Doctor said:
Hm... Maybe this is then just as it among political scientists...

I have a degree in political science, and nobody has ever referred to the Iran/Iraq war as the first gulf war around me. Zelvik provided a much better explanation why. Everyone here always referred to the Iran/Iraq war as the Iran/Iraq War and the 1990 war as The Gulf War. So the answer is not quite so elitist. From a practical view, I don't know why anyone would name the wars the way you've been exposed to. There were many other wars fought around the Persian Gulf. It only makes sense to start naming them Gulf War 1/2 here because those were the only real times we were engaged in fighting there in like eighty years.

Nob Akimoto said:
That woman looks hideously deformed.

She has her hand over part of her chest.