
Hmm, all I know about McClellan is that he was a Civil War general (and I don't even remember what game had the TCS McClellan?) - was there anything particularly controversial about him? :)

"Little Mac" ran for presidency against Lincoln in 1864, still being an active duty general (he resigned his commission on the day of election). Earlier, during campaign that ended in the battle of 2nd Manassas he delayed return of his army, because he wanted other Union general (Pope) defeated. Overall he was very "political" general who cared too much for his career.
First up, this argument doesn't make sense when it comes to any officer who started his career before 1934 - both Dönitz and Canaris had sworn allegiance not only to Hitler, but also to Germany (and before that, to the Emperor).

Absolutely not! You can never, ever name a military vessel, military academy, or anything military at all, after someone who violated their oath and betrayed the government they had sworn to serve.

Final words on this from me:
- first, the oath to Hitler replaced every single other oath pledged before (see those old text and speeches)
- Second:
Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel-Kaserne, Army-barracks, Augustdorf, Germany (I served there)
Graf-Stauffenberg-Kaserne , Army-barracks, Sigmaringen, Germany.
Back to Standoff-related talk... I've been replaying Standoff without ever switching to Rookie, and I'm impressed at how hard it can get in some missions.

Anyway, I've fully finished Clearing the Path and I destroyed the Hakaga as well. It wasn't too hard in a Crossbow, but I did lose a lot of fighters. I'm currently busy getting hopelessly blasted to pieces in Skinning Cats. This mission is a lot harder on Veteran than on Rookie, it seems.

The Clydesdale escort mission in Episode 3 also gave me a lot of trouble.
Back to Standoff-related talk... I've been replaying Standoff without ever switching to Rookie, and I'm impressed at how hard it can get in some missions.

Anyway, I've fully finished Clearing the Path and I destroyed the Hakaga as well. It wasn't too hard in a Crossbow, but I did lose a lot of fighters. I'm currently busy getting hopelessly blasted to pieces in Skinning Cats. This mission is a lot harder on Veteran than on Rookie, it seems.

The Clydesdale escort mission in Episode 3 also gave me a lot of trouble.

Really? I guess experiences can differ greatly, because I have never once failed the Clydesdale escort mission - and it has very little to do with my skill or lack thereof. Those transports seem to have good gunners - never have I played the mission without either the Columbia or the Challenger taking down at least one of the attacking fighters. Moreover, neither transport ever suffered any core damage or complete armor penetration no matter how badly I botched the defense. I was astonished. Those are some kickass 'sports - or at least, that's how they behaved while I was trying to protect them.

It was enough to make me believe the 'sport captains when I radioed them to request their status:

"Indestructible, same as always"

or something to that effect
I suppose that explains why one of them answers an indifferent "yeah, whatever" when Bradshaw announces their escort has arrived. :)
Toast, I was actually talking about the *Episode Three* escort mission (the one with the minelayers).

You were talking about the escort mission involving the Shok'lars, which is indeed very easy, apparently.

(Also, I've managed to win Skinning Cats. Yay.)
I suppose that explains why one of them answers an indifferent "yeah, whatever" when Bradshaw announces their escort has arrived. :)

Yeah, right? What a surprise.

Well, it's good to see that Confed does have a few crack transport crews. I love it when an escorted ship shows some teeth.

Also reminds me of another time I was playing the Ep3 losing path. Big boom, screen shakes, I hear a Ralatha's comms officer scream, "Nooooooooooooo!!" - followed by the TCS Francis Drake reporting, "Enemy capital ship destroyed." WC1 was my first wing commander game, so my default expectation of complete capital ship incompetence is very strongly ingrained. WC2, despite the AMG's, didn't change that much for me. So, much to my surprise I actually shouted aloud, "YEAH! GO, DRAKE!!" when that happened.

Sure, I remember watching Concordia, Sheffield, Coventry, and Ajax kicking kitty ass. But this is the first time I ever saw something as humble as a Confed corvette take down a capital ship.
The Drake actually killed a capship? I think they just got a lucky pot shot in at the last moment, taking credit for someone else's kill. :) Well, that's incredible if they really managed to help in the fight - most of the time it's a struggle to keep the lone corvette alive, let alone have them kill anything.

Watching the Concordia blow up two cruisers with its PTC in WC2 was great fun. Even the AMG slug fests between the William Tell and a Ralatha was enjoyable. Although, to be fair, the Tell did have scripted invincibility on its side. :)
I suppose that explains why one of them answers an indifferent "yeah, whatever" when Bradshaw announces their escort has arrived. :)

Hehehe, I believe that line was added because I mentioned that the 'sports didn't say anything after Bradshaw announces he's there to escort them.
Yeah... The Drake cheats a lot compared to unnamed Ventures, but its torpedo usage is genuine. :p

(We really, really wanted people to find it helpful because every other WC game has too much your-carrier-versus-the-world)
Hmm. Sadly, the Drake doesn't seem to be much help most of the time. And even though I saved it in Episode 3, it seems to disappear in the middle of Episode 4 anyway.

As for carrier-versus-the-world, the interaction with other capships is a treat. Battle of Sirius really feels like the Firekka is part of a larger fleet, especially since it's one of the smaller carriers.
I agree. Standoff captures the "fleet action" sense of the war better than any of the original games did. Part of this is of course attributable to engine limitations in WC1 and WC2, but I love this feeling of being part of a fleet. Even if it's a small fleet.
I wouldn't call the Concordia, plus Leyte Gulf, plus Verdun, plus Firekka, plus Reims, plus Breslau, plus associated cruisers, destroyers, corvettes and transports, plus any others I've forgetten, a "small fleet". It's lot bigger than anything we've seen in the official games, even if we don't see them all in one place. And just because the Kilrathi have amassed something a lot bigger doesn't mean it's small in any way. :)
I wouldn't call the Concordia, plus Leyte Gulf, plus Verdun, plus Firekka, plus Reims, plus Breslau, plus associated cruisers, destroyers, corvettes and transports, plus any others I've forgetten, a "small fleet". It's lot bigger than anything we've seen in the official games, even if we don't see them all in one place. And just because the Kilrathi have amassed something a lot bigger doesn't mean it's small in any way. :)

You forgot the Moskva! :)

Oh, granted it's a bigger Confed fleet than any we've seen arrayed in the official games, but we do know that by this time Confed had lots of capital ships mothballed or retired due to the false armistice. And I'm sure Tolwyn, Reismann, and Bradshaw all think it's small ;)
Toast, I was actually talking about the *Episode Three* escort mission (the one with the minelayers).

You were talking about the escort mission involving the Shok'lars, which is indeed very easy, apparently.

(Also, I've managed to win Skinning Cats. Yay.)

Oh, okay. My mistake. Yes, that minelaying mission can be much trickier, and those 'sports are not nearly so... self-sufficient.
Of course, the Kilrathi (and, unfortunately, wingmen on occasion) seem to love flying into mines. :)

You forgot the Moskva!
Well, the Moskva isn't really available once the campaign is over, is it? :) But that's a good point, there could have been a much larger fleet available if the ships weren't shut down so quickly. But of course, that was the Kilrathi plan all along, wasn't it?
Of course, the Kilrathi (and, unfortunately, wingmen on occasion) seem to love flying into mines. :)

Tell me about it. I've seen a wingman fly into a Clydesdale's mine strip, and there weren't even any hostiles around.
As for the difficulty, you can still be on the winning side by doing well in one extra mission, so I don't mind too much.