World Premiere - Sort of...

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Finder of things, Doer of stuff
Next Week marks the 'official' World premiere of OUTLANDER. It will be showing at the Piazza Grande section of the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland. There's a press screening on the 14th, and then a press conference at noon on the 15th, with the premiere that evening.

I won't be able to go, but I'm extremely interested in the press conference. Director/co-writer Howard McCain, Co-writer Dirk Blackman, Stars Jack Huston, and Sophia Myles, and Producer Chris Roberts will all be sitting in at the Press Conference.

If you are attending and can record the press conference for us, it would be very much appreciated. If not, please keep your eyes open for other people reporting on the event. Also the press kit for the film states that The director and stars (Jack and Sophia) will be available for interviews so keep your eyes peeled for those as well.

You can download the Press kit for the event here:
Medium Grade spoiler warnings have been issued by me for this package though, but you should be able to avoid most of them if you skip the synopsis.