Hey Panther1.0! Ya there is a ton of audio in the game as I am discovering.

I played it through not long ago and it's great! Hope you're enjoying it and doing well yourself.
Things are going good here but im a bit busy on the life side of things. With everything around me open back up I've returned to work... Somewhat... I work in the theatre industry and it's been hit hard by Covid-19 so I've been working odd jobs, live streaming concerts, outdoor Art installations, and managing renovations to pay the bills. Oh the thrills of being self employed.

But enough about me, it's due time I've updated everyone on whats going on with this project.
Since the last update I mentioned I was missing some audio files. I did find a way, I'll be it a slow and tedious way to get the missing data so I decided to just move on with mapping and scripting as to not get let down by 'one' missing section. I began the Gimle System and I found even more audio missing.. I cried inside but became determined, so I brewed several pots of coffee (and maybe a beer or two) and just put all 5000+ audio files in a playlist and just sat there for several hours listening. Eventually I did find all the missing audio, they were stuck in the middle out of order for one reason or another and through my scanning I must have just missed them. I rejoiced and filled in all the missing sections.... Then all audio broke and nothing would play. I checked and triple checked my code, the scripting, the audio files for corruption anything to explain the issue, I even changed IDE's and compilers which took some time but nothing. I took a short break from it and came back and started deleting random lines and I found out that the placement of some audio files in my scripting cause a complete break in the system. I have no answer for what caused it but my guess is a memory leak somewhere in my code. I have some thoughts on where the issue might be but for now though, It's fixed, and long story short I'm back on track.
During this "broken" time I didn't want to distance myself from the project too much so I created a new menu system. It's still a bit glitchy but it's more inline with what my vision was and how I wanted it to work. Again all the textures are still place holders, even the music and sound effects, but just wanted to add a bit of flare to the splash screen.
It's been a wild ride but I now have all the audio files I need and am moving forward. It will be a slower move forward for the next few weeks as I work on all my other projects but now there are less hurtles to overcome. Below is a progress report of sorts.
Funeral - COMPLETE
InFlight Coms (WingMan) - IN PROGRESS
InFlight Coms (Taunts)
McAuliffe - COMPLETE
Gateway - COMPLETE
Brimstone - IN PROGRESS
Port Hedland
Hubble's Star
Hell's Kitchen
I'm handling Wingman coms as they appear in the game as they appear and the Taunts I have to actually edit and export each line because the bitrate is super low to fit it all on a SegaCD disk so the taunts will be the last thing I tackle. I also started making a little trailer for the project. I whipped it together in about an hour but might as well share it with you all. I'm going to continue hammering away at it on my free time but until then enjoy the teaser and stay safe everyone.