Wing Commander Saga - Getting a Make over


Rear Admiral
well after a cooling off period, and a crazy semester in college i'm back, and i'm starting anew...

the original WCSaga Mod died out practicly, but not completely, i'm starting anew, and will be starting with a Main WCS Page that will encompass both Divisions (BGS-Battlegroup Serpent, and CL- Confederation Legacy)

Confederation Legacy will be the reformed original mod/TC...
all comes down to game, what game... but thats for our forums and not on here

please update your links
i'm no longer using the
were just gonna stick with the

we are stopping the use of the for i've been recieving complaints about the GAIN/Gator Software Popups that have been going on. I never set it up to do that, which means CJB altered there terms of the routing of pages.

Any ways keep a eye on us, new page will be coming online hopefully within the coming week.
it was never gone :D because both divisions share their achievements, due to this fact a bunch of progress has been done
I've never understood why sites need to go offline for a redesign. We didn't shut down when we redesigned the site and ours is considerably larger. :)
because the site content is obsolete... I've done the design of it and StarSaint fills it now with information...
Its techically not down while being redeveloped...
if you look all the links work... i just resessed the CL page(original pages) into another directory and the main page is going to be the main WCS Page.