Wing Commander Saga Deutsch Release countdown


We have started the countdown. The WCSD Release is at... / Wir haben den Countdown gestartet. Der WCSD Release ist am...

28. November 18:00 UTC +0100 CET

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Not that I can actually use a german version, but congrats. It's great that you guys are still putting in the effort on projects like this.
Gab es denn eine deutsche Version nicht schon vorher?

natürlich finde ich das auch großartig :):)
There hasn't been a German version of WCSaga yet. But I think a German version of the 2008 prologue release was originally planned.
Anyways, we'll have a German version very soon. :)
It's like the English version - but with words I don't understand! ;)

Great to see German fans getting to enjoy this.

A question though - Every German I know speaks English. Is it fair to say that's representative? For those that are bi-lingual (or tri! or more! :)), do you prefer to listen to German dubbed versions of your favorite movies and games or the famous English actors (ie, Mark Hamill etc)?
A question though - Every German I know speaks English. Is it fair to say that's representative? For those that are bi-lingual (or tri! or more! :)), do you prefer to listen to German dubbed versions of your favorite movies and games or the famous English actors (ie, Mark Hamill etc)?

Actually, there are many Germans and Austrians who don't or barely speak English.

I usually tend to choose the original audio tracks and German dubs only from time to time. The German dub of WC3 for instance is great. And there are also many people who think that "Alf" sounds better in German. :)
I have clearly met the better educated Germans, then. ;)

Alf? Haha. Takes me back a few years. :)

It must be strange listening to something quite familiar to you, such as a well known British or American actor speaking with the wrong voice but in your language. :)

Thanks for your feedback. :-)


Well, our next project will be "WCS Plus Pack" for backport all changes and features from WCSD to WCS. But now, after the release of WCSD we need a break. ^^


Like FekLeyrTarg said, it's not representative and that's the main cause why we made WCSD. Personally i don't understand the WCS story complete, because my english isn't good enough for that. So i want to play WCS again after release of WCSD. ^^
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At this point i will honor our team, because WCSD is not only "Luke", WCSD is:

(in alphabetical order)

"Arrow" - translation leader, translation, lector
"Blair" - translation
"Death Angel" - graphic design, web design, implementation, subtitles
"dom700" - betatesting
"GeneralTweety" - betatesting
"Joker" - betatesting, bugtracker assignment, moderation
"Kalumet" - betatesting, moderation, moral officer
"Luke" - tech leader, administration, programming, implementation, graphic editing, subtitles
"MajorSpawn" - programming, implementation, mission design, ASSM+, database, subtitles, betatesting
"MasterLuke81" - betatesting
"RaudiXO" - translation, implementation, subtitles
"Renegade" - betatesting
"Triton" - betatesting

And there are other who helped to realize WCSD:

(in alphabetical order)

"Aginor" - ASSM, mission bugs
"Deepstar" - umlaut problem
"The Jazzman" - Debris-Mod
"Tolwyn" - WCS founder, WingCenter forum, WCSD bugtracker, WCS stuff

...and my girlfriend for her incredible patience. ^^

And btw, we published 6 updates since release, WCSD is at v1.0.6 now.
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Jedesmal wieder ein absolut geiles Kilrathi Krieg feeling .. ich glaub es hat nie eine bessere "Mod" gegeben als dieses WC Saga .. Und seid dem grandiosen Deutschmod sowieso .. mit recht einen festen Stammplatz in meiner Spielesammlung