Wing Commander RPG

Phillip Tanaka

I think this is the best place to raise the topic. Me and a mate play a couple of Wing Commander RPG's, and I thought it might be something that would appeal to some of you. If you are interested, I could set one up easily. I have a few storyline ideas, and if you have any yourself, then I'd be only too happy to hear them.
There are already a few out there... take a look at the Blacklance HQ, the Aces, and the WC RPG, three of the larger ones.
And looking at the RPGs about, I was looking to make it a lot more Keep It Simple, Stupid. (No, I'm not saying you're stupid, that's how the line goes).
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
WCRPG is closed or something :( they havent updated for almost 2 years

Yes they have... there's a thing about an RPG game that was on the 7th of this month right there on their front page.
Tanaka - where are you from (what languages do you speak besides English?)?
Since you ask, Australia. No relation to Hunter, by the way. Well in school Indonesian was a subject we were forced to do more than any other, but buggered if I can remember more than the basic stuff. I know a little German, Russian, Spanish, French\Belgium and Japanese. No, Jean and Mariko did not teach me!!! I had a bit of a grasp on Japanese for two or three years, and I've picked up a little French (it is the same as Belgium, isn't it?) here and there. Of course, go to New York and you'll hear every French word in existence!
Belgium officially speaks Dutch, French and German. Only about 1% of the country speaks German...
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Since you ask, Australia. No relation to Hunter, by the way. Well in school Indonesian was a subject we were forced to do more than any other, but buggered if I can remember more than the basic stuff. I know a little German, Russian, Spanish, French\Belgium and Japanese. No, Jean and Mariko did not teach me!!! I had a bit of a grasp on Japanese for two or three years, and I've picked up a little French (it is the same as Belgium, isn't it?) here and there. Of course, go to New York and you'll hear every French word in existence!

Ohh! So many languages! I only know Greek and English...(and I speak English like hell! )