Wing Commander Prophecy subtitles problem


Hello there, wingnuts! :cool:

As luck would have it, I've only recently got to sit down and play through latest Wing Commander installment (namely, Prophecy).

The problem is, when I install HCl's DVD Movie patch (, I have the following problem: subtitles only show for a split moment (like for 1 frame) when someone starts talking. Everything works fine if I go back to playing low-resolution movies.

This issue is identical for me with both Vista and Windows 7, so I was wondering if anyone had the same problem or could at least tell me that they have the same OS and everything works dandy for them and that I suck.

Thank you for your attention.
Holy heat-seekers!

Disabling desktop composition in compatibility tab for prophecy.exe did the trick. Now I have subtitles and am happy.

Thanks for all the caring replies!
Maybe you're actually the first one to have encountered this problem ;)

Thanks for coming back to the forums to post your solution ! It will surely be usefull to others.