Wing Commander Prophecy problem in Windows 2000


I had installed the Wing Commander Prophecy, the W2k fix and the movie skipper mod from this site. However, my game will hang and jump back to desktop after I skip the movie? What should I do?
silverfox283 said:
I had installed the Wing Commander Prophecy, the W2k fix and the movie skipper mod from this site. However, my game will hang and jump back to desktop after I skip the movie? What should I do?

I'm not sure what you mean. The movie skip patch isn't to skip past the movies, its to keep the movies from stuttering or playing to fast IIRC. If you werent having that problem you don't need the patch. So a possible solution might be to wipe out your installation and start fresh... but without applying the patch and see if that solves it. If so, the culprit was the patch.