Wing Commander Prophecy - H5

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On map H5 i am suffering from a really annoying problem. As soon as i appear in the docking tube to shoot out from the midway, im told that my carrier was lost.... how can this be? is it a bug or have i done something wrong?
IIRC your carrier suffered so much damage in the previous mission it would be unable to withstand another attack. (you probably noticed one of her landing bays was destroyed in a previous mission)
Ok thanks... I suppose that means that i have to do the previous mission again??
Might have to turn the difficulty down one notch to do it though..
I've gone back and redone the previous 5 missions on the easiest difficulty (purely to make it quicker and to increase the chance of enabling H5.) That didnt work... I proceeded to redo any mission that was in red (failed) that still didnt work... What am i supposed to do??
The problem you're reporting is a bug in WCP. I've never encountered it myself, but apparently, the solution is to go into the sim, and fly any mission with the TCS Midway in it. You only need to fly for a few seconds - then the mission you were stuck on should be back to normal.
The problem you're reporting is a bug in WCP. I've never encountered it myself, but apparently, the solution is to go into the sim, and fly any mission with the TCS Midway in it. You only need to fly for a few seconds - then the mission you were stuck on should be back to normal.

Is the actual bug in this case not the fact that you can reset the midway's battle damage values by accessing the sim? It actually makes perfect sense when your ship is all but destroyed during your landing, that it's not going to be drydock-shiny and new on your next launch.

I encountered it several times, when you fly on a landing approach towards the midway you'll notice one of the landing bays destroyed, and if you look into the ships status, you'll notice some damaged area's. If the next mission is a scramble(aka under attack when you launch), the carrier is gone as soon as you exit the launch tube.

Thanks guys that worked and i have now completed the mission! :)
Have now completed the game with a successful win!! thanks... :)
Is the actual bug in this case not the fact that you can reset the midway's battle damage values by accessing the sim? It actually makes perfect sense when your ship is all but destroyed during your landing, that it's not going to be drydock-shiny and new on your next launch.
It's a combination of both. On the one hand, the player shoudn't be able to reset the Midway's battle damage that way. On the other hand, though, either the Midway survives and the player can land, or the Midway is gone and the player cannot land - that's the way it should be, but instead, the Midway can be lost while the player is landing, leading to a confusing situation where the ship is lost only after you take off again. That's clearly a much bigger bug of the two.
I don't think it's that the Midway is lost during landing -- it's that the launch tubes are destroyed in the previous mission, which gives you an error when you try to take off from them afterwards.
If you turn on invincibility, will it make the Midway invincible too? (there by negating the effects of this bug)