Wing Commander on a 7 Foot Screen!!!!


Ok guys i have to show you guys this. Its been me and my dads dream forever to get a projector and old space games on it. Well we finally got a projector of the site for 125$, I Highly Recommend everyone one you guys searching for a Projector off there. You won't regret it.

well here a few pics of WC4 and btw sorry the pics arent that good i have crappy camera.




It isn't grainy, just a bit blurry. Can you set the camera down on a tripod or table or something and get any clearer shots?
I've always wanted to do this. Get a big comfy recliner, pull up in front of the screen with the joystick on the armrest and play the coolest game of Wing Commander ever. I'll have to get one of those projectors.
The resolution is awesome, better than any LCD screen can do with non-native images...
I found it to be a bit washed-out though. Maybe darkening the room further would increase the contrast. Or maybe you had to brighten the room in order to take the pics, ehehehe.
It looks that way cause i have a crappy camera, it cost me like 40$, 1.5 megapixels.

Trust me even with lights on, its crystal clear i have no regrets or feelings that i am loosing quality for size.
That looks really cool, which projector did you get though? I don't want to buy the wrong kind and get some piece of crap...