Wing Commander movie intro archival star chart


Does anyone know where I could find an image (or physical copy) of the Archival Star Chart seen in the movie intro? You know the one where the lines/orbits light up as the intro progresses. I always thought that was very cool.

Here's some fan art that has the sol system:

I found a short video about where it was made, so I know it exists... in some form, somewhere. Here's the video:


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Bandit might know mate, he probably has the most reference/resources than most people I know
Ok maybe I need to be more specific :)

I'd like to find a large high quality image (or poster) of the star chart.

The poster in the pic is nice, but do any such exist that the average person could locate and buy?
Let us know what you found out.

The map was hung in the old Digital Anvil office in downtown Austin -- but Digital Anvil moved and is no longer decorated with Wing Commander movie memorabelia... hopefully some employee saved the cooler stuff.
Success !!

Well at least limited success. I emailed Peter Heer (the artist) and this is his reply:


Peter Heer Productions - Lightning Studios wrote:

>Dear Greg, an interesting request. How did you happen to dig me up
>regarding this piece of art?
>If it was worth my time I might be able to dig up a photo of it and get it
>printed up but we're talking at least $500. I would have to see what I have
>in the way of photos to start with and am not really sure what I do have.
>Regards Peter
>Peter Heer <>

>----- Original Message -----
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 2:37 PM
>Subject: Wing Commander star chart artwork
>>Hello Peter,
>>I was wondering if there is any way to get either a poster or print, or
>>even a high resolution digital image of the Archival Star Chart you did
>>for the opening credit sequence of the movie "Wing Commander". I've
>>always thought it would make a great piece of art.
>>Thank you
Bandit LOAF said:
Let us know what you found out.

The map was hung in the old Digital Anvil office in downtown Austin -- but Digital Anvil moved and is no longer decorated with Wing Commander movie memorabelia... hopefully some employee saved the cooler stuff.

Know anyone who worked there who might know where all the WCM memorabilia ended up? Specifically the original Map, as that would produce the best quality replicas?

And that's great Greg. Let us know if he forwards more info. It may bring the cost (per print) down if a bunch go together to make a limited issue possible by pooling funds.
Maj.Striker said:
$500? No'd be cheaper to higher a good 2d artist to recreate the map...

A lot of times, A price like this is a minimum. Whether you produce 10 or 1000 the initial work of preparing the image to make prints would cost somewhere around 500 dollars then after that aditional prints are doable at little cost.

Its the same in construction. For example If I were to come to a house to patch a hole in the wall as opposed to Hanging a whole room worth of wall board and tape an mud it all, I would still need to charge over 100 dollars for the little patch where a whole room would not be alot more relatively speaking (materials aside). The thing is that small or large the setup time and travel time is the same plus going and comming back two or three times (although in a pinch there are fast setting compounds but they don't produce the best results).

Anyway, more info is needed. Like I was getting at, it probably wouldnt be 500 dollars a print if we commissioned 100, or 1000. But most likely would be if we would be if we only order one (Plus it would depend on the size of print too)
Maj.Striker said:
$500? No'd be cheaper to higher a good 2d artist to recreate the map...

Actually thats a very reasonable price... though I am surprised he hasnt had this request before, and that it doesnt exist as a poster of some sort already.

Digital Anvil was bought out by Microsoft.... their web page now points to the MS games site. :(

Anyone know anyone who worked there who might know what happened to the poster and such?? :confused: