Wing Commander Movie Clip With A Side Of WC3 (October 24, 2017)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
AD recently recut one of the Wing Commander Movie's featurettes clips with a sampling of George Oldziey's Wing Commander 3/4 music. Although the film's actual soundtrack is pretty great, this is still a neat trick to see how it changes the tone. Since the game music is so ingrained in people's minds, I could see how this might create something of a subconscious linkage to players' cockpit experiences. And whether it does or not, this is a pretty cool behind-the-scenes video that you might not have seen before, so it's definitely worth checking out!

This is the movie's making-of featurette re-edited from the EPK. The visuals aren't too different. Mostly I've changed to music to music from wc3 + 4 thanks to George Oldziey's lovely orchestrations and I've replaced the name title cards with WC1 style font.
I really love the movies score but this is just a fun experiment to see how it feels with the game music.

Original update published on October 24, 2017
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The nice thing about the old EPK tape was that they had the music and main audio in separate channels. So I could actually remove it completely without affecting any of the other audio. The original music in the featurette was mostly pop-rock catalogue stuff too... I think there was only one small segment that actually had music from the movie.