Wing Commander: Lost Universe


the project is going great and i thought i should tell you next month there will be a music video with movie sceen from our project
plus if anyone who would like to join our team please feel free to email me at
Steve BlackWolf Kouri
CEO of Twisted Animations

Wing commander is a game but it is in our vains
Sweet, keep up the good work!

You Know I do GCSE Cooking, I get A's B's and nothing bellow c's I make Christmas Cake, Shortbread pastry and other Assorted and hard to make delacacys and what do I come home and cook myself?
Microwave Hot dogs!
What's this all about??? There's like over 20 different online WC game going on which one is this one??? What's it about??? Just wondering???

Call me a Pleb, you die!!! Got it fly boy?!?
Well do ya!?! Well punk!?! Because you know maybe, just maybe, when I'm flyin on your auto track could just mistake you for the Roach you that...Ace!?! Sure you do...wouldn't want to get that nice squad jacket all mussed up now would we..?
Also I checked out your website...I'm impressed but why is the castlist unfinised????

Call me a Pleb, you die!!! Got it fly boy?!?
Well do ya!?! Well punk!?! Because you know maybe, just maybe, when I'm flyin on your auto track could just mistake you for the Roach you that...Ace!?! Sure you do...wouldn't want to get that nice squad jacket all mussed up now would we..?
I don't want to hurt you or something (I apreciate all your hard work), but the Griffen looks exactly like a ship from Macross Plus.

Fan made game or an add-on to something. There are many fans working on similar projects at the time.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
i know it looks like one from macross im ahuge macross fan plus the cast list is not done because we are due a casting call yes there is kilrathi in the game but they are your ship mates Melek is 2nd in command of the TCS Wolfvies Bane

Wing commander is a game but it is in our vains
Have you seen Macross 2? If you have, id it good? 'Cause I heard it sucked

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I've seen Macross II and I liked it...though it does vary from the origianl Robotech story line...I felt that the animation and the story was decent...not as cool as Macross plus, but decent nun the less...

And Wolf your ship looks cool if you ask me...keep up the good work...

Call me a Pleb, you die!!! Got it fly boy?!?
Well do ya!?! Well punk!?! Because you know maybe, just maybe, when I'm flyin on your auto track could just mistake you for the Roach you that...Ace!?! Sure you do...wouldn't want to get that nice squad jacket all mussed up now would we..?
That's pretty much what I've heard about it...

I'm really confused, I don't know if I should get it (from the net, and you know how that is
) or not

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BlackWolf that game looks great. Just few questions/coments.

CASEY- on the front page you writen that his a 2nd luitenet, in Prophecy he was promoted to 1st luitenet.

PALIDEN- is that Paladin from the games with a misspeled calsing or a new character?

FLASH- is that Flash from WC3? Because if so you should know that Flash died before the Victory got to Kilrah.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
All's I can tell you is just go to your local Block Buster or Holly Wood video and look for it in thier Anime section and rent it...if you can't find it then I guess you could down load...either way good luck...

Call me a Pleb, you die!!! Got it fly boy?!?
Well do ya!?! Well punk!?! Because you know maybe, just maybe, when I'm flyin on your auto track could just mistake you for the Roach you that...Ace!?! Sure you do...wouldn't want to get that nice squad jacket all mussed up now would we..?
the answers to your ?s are
flash is a new guy
paliden is the same old friend
and as for casey we have be doing alot of rewrite he will be a caption now
EA isn't the one making games, and Origin is working on a game.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
BlackWolf: I think you mean Captain. Although I guess a lot of people here (me _not_ included) would be happy with caption, too
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This is a Dragon, and I'm Casey the Caption



CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC

[This message has been edited by TC (edited January 22, 2000).]
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