Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga

Greeting to all of you,

I´m desperately seeking the game "Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga".

Only place I´ve found the game so far is ebay, but the price for the game are ridiculous. I can´t afford to buy a game for US$ 150 and up!!!:mad:

So here is my question: Is there any other source where I can buy the game from. Is anyone willing to trade for a resonable price?

thanks for your help

Captian Dominguez
If you wait long enough, Kris will come up with his "where to buy" link from the CIC ;) , but here's the answer I can give you:

eBay might be the only chance you have my friend, despite the prices...
Because as it is now, $150.00 is the least Kilrathi Saga is worth... I know it's a lot but I've seen it sell for as much as $200.00, one auction even ending at $400.00 (probably a fake bid though)...
Indeed, Kilrathi Saga was a limited edition, and is now a very rare item for collectors. The 128 page booklet inside by itself worth a great deal of green for me...

So if you really want the game, fork out the money... :(
mpanty, Kris,

Thanks for your prompt help.

Didn´actually know that this was such a rare item. Under this circumstances I understand somehow that is so highly priced.

Kris: I once tried to play Wing Commander II at my computer (Athlon 1000). As you can imagine the machine is far too fast for that game. Also tried a slowdown utility, but then the game crashed. I think the same would happen if I try Wing Commander I. So I rely heavily on the "Kilrathi Saga".

So I think the only possibility is to sell my brandnew Ferrari Testarossa and bid for Kilrathi Saga instead :lol

Anyhow, thanks again, and godspeed my be with you

Cpt. Dominguez
Originally posted by Cpt.Dominguez

So I think the only possibility is to sell my brandnew Ferrari Testarossa and bid for Kilrathi Saga instead lol
If you possess a Ferrari Testarossa, firstly money shouldn't be a problem for you anyway ;) , and secondly... you really really shouldn't be here posting on the CZ...
Get immediately out there and roam the roads!!! :cool:
Originally posted by mpanty
If you wait long enough, Kris will come up with his "where to buy" link from the CIC ;) , but here's the answer I can give you:

eBay might be the only chance you have my friend, despite the prices...
So if you really want the game, fork out the money... :(

...Can anyone say "garage sale"?... How 'bout "Flea market" (plenty of each)?... Sure, I knew ya could...
I've never see a flea market sell Wing Commander stuff. :)
Originally posted by LeHah
I've never see a flea market sell Wing Commander stuff. :)

I started a post about a week ago about WC4 DVD--I was looking for info on it, because I picked it up at a local flea market--for ONE measly dollar!...

So, they are out there, you just hafta keep lookin'. I hope I'm eventually as fortunate w/ KS, 'cuz I have no intention of paying 3 figures for it, no matter HOW much I want it. Good luck in your search.:)
mpanty: Too late - just sold it, hehe. Just joking
In fact, my car is an old Volkswagen, and i doubt if
someone would buy it

Kris: Hm, that sounds like a good idea. I´ll keep my eyes
open for such a machine. And also for WC 1 & 2.

Preacher: Thanks for wishing me luck. I think especially for an item
so rare you´ll need all luck you can get to find it. And I
doubt that they sell it on a fleamarket.
Perhaps you should try newsgroups. I was looking for KS about a year ago, and I too was scared by the $150+ at eBay.
So I just posted a request if anyone had it at nl.markt.comp, and a few months later I had KS for just f70, which is about $30 USD.
Try your local market newsgroups, and perhaps you'll be as lucky as I was to find someone who doesn't know he can make a small fortune with it on eBay. :cool:
Originally posted by Preacher

...Can anyone say "garage sale"?... How 'bout "Flea market" (plenty of each)?... Sure, I knew ya could...
Sure I can...

I can also say "Incredibly and and astonishingly lucky bastard" the guy who find KS in a flea-market... ;)
Sure I'll sell it...
Right after I sell my guitar, my Metallica FanCan #4 and other things that I like a lot and can't be easily replaced (or not at all).
That should be just after I die, probably. :p
Unforgiven, ok, I buy all that things from you. And regarding your premise under which you sell that things; well I know this Retro professional, who sometimes gets some "jobs" from me.....
So this also wouldn´t cause any troubles. What you think?
Originally posted by mpanty

Sure I can...

I can also say "Incredibly and and astonishingly lucky bastard" the guy who find KS in a flea-market... ;)

I don't know that luck had so much to do with it, so much as persistance--I went there from 6-8x before I found this...

Also, I should mention the fact that there are stores out there that are "mom & pop" operations--a single store that doesn't have any (or MANY) branches, that sells new AND used software. We have at least 1 here in Syracuse that is like that (also sells new/used HARDWARE, and has a 30-day "no questions asked" policy for returns both for hard AND soft-wares!), and I've found some INCREDIBLE bargains there over the last 4 years. Such bargains included the WC1 & addons CD, coupled with an Ultima title, all for the price of a mere $5!... Logic sez that in larger cities, there must be several such stores--so do some detective work, & figure out where such stores may be in YOUR area, and then go to town, mis hermanos!...
Preacher, thanks for your suggestions. We have also such a store here, which is called "Cash Converter". You can find a lot of used goods there, and amongst them also Hardware/Software. All the games there - regardless if 2 days old or 10 years - cost US$ 5. I also have found a lot of games there.

Problem with "Kilrathi Saga" is that I learned that it wasn´t sold, or was sold only for a short time, here in Austria and also Germany. And as far as I know you also could import it from the US only for a short time.

Another problem is that I don´t own a credit card, so also the possibilities to buy it at auction is sometimes limited.

Very desperate!!!!

Cpt. D.

Originally posted by Cpt.Dominguez
Unforgiven, ok, I buy all that things from you. And regarding your premise under which you sell that things; well I know this Retro professional, who sometimes gets some "jobs" from me.....
So this also wouldn´t cause any troubles. What you think?
Note to self: wear Kevlar vest when dealing with Cpt.Dominguez.