Wing Commander IV DVD with DXR2 crd under XP... How?



I just acquired a Creative encore bundle that included WCIV DVD (which of course was the one and only reason I got it). Now I tried installing the DXR2 card on my windows XP, but the drivers from the bundle only work with win95 and I could not find any dxr2 drivers for winXP on the web. Anyone here running the game with the card in winXP? Or will I have to try that MCI->Directshow route and trash the dxr2 card? (I would prefer not to do the latter as all that talk about MCI, Directshow etc just confuses me)

And can anyone point me to that big 'How to run WCIV DVD in Windows XP' thread that people talk about in other threads but that I could not find using the search?

Thanks in advance for any help
