Wing Commander III, sound problems. Help, please.



Hello, I've been having a problem in WC III, I've been using VDMS on a custom .bat file (That only has D: and WC3.exe in it) so, I do the setup, configure my sound card as on this page - ( music: MPU-401, Digital Sound: SB 16 with port 220, IRQ 7, DMA-Low 1, DMA-High 5.

And it works in the test mode, perfectly. But, if I run it it either freezes when some digital effects start, or it crackles, not so bad in cutscenes, but horrible in flight. The music works perfectly.

If I try to run it in VDMS I get:

Open failed on file: ..\..\DATA\SOUND\GFSAMPLE.IFF

This error is probably the result of a bad CD-ROM read.
Please try running the game again from your latest save
game and the problem should go away. If the problem
persists, you may have a bad CD. If you continue to have trouble,
please call Origin Customer Service for more information

Press any key to continue . . .

My joystick works perfectly, I use Windows XP, 2.8ghz Athlon, SB Live!, Radeon 9600 XT...

The joystick is an old Logitech Wingman Warrior. Got it when WC4 first came out.

Now, THE_WUQKED, posted all these screenshots in but I can no longer access them. Can someone tell me HOW to get the sound working?

Oh, and a tutorial for running it via Dosbox would be nice... I can't figure that out!
Well, I know nothing about VDMS, but there are several threads detaling all you need to know about dosbox, altough I think WC3 is too much for it.
some people report running wc3 on winxp without any help, take a look at the first sticky thread.
Just saw this today, as I'm searching for answers to my WC3/Dosbox problems.

I would guess that that message came about because mscdex isn't configured properly. I don't know how to do that with VDMS off hand, but I'm guessing that's what it has to be because I got the same error message when I was mounting the CD without the "-t cdrom" option in DosBox.
just for the record:

find dosbox.conf (same directory where the dosbox executable is)
and add this under the section [autexec]
mount h h:\ -t cdrom
where h: is the drive where your wc3 cdrom is located

my box isn´t fast enough and sound was crappy with dosbox so i switched to

once you started the .bat file you find a file with the same name as the .bat,
just with a different extension.
right click that one and go to properties, in the second tab is a checkbox
for "enable mscdex" support.
thats the one.

works better on my machine
I still can't figure out how to use the high-res patch for WC3 in win 2000, and my joystick (Logitech Wingman, Cyborg Graphite) will not work under 2000 either. I can't get WC3 to work on my old cel 366 running win98se either. Could it be because I have a Creative Live 5.1 in that computer? I've tried Dos Box and VDMS but they're not geared for 98 and under 2000 I've not no stick and flying with the mouse in WC aint as easy as in Freelancer.