Wing Commander III (3) trouble

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dorne
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I tried to look at all the forums, but I have yet to locate this problem anywhere. In wing commander 3, the cutscenes go super fast, then suddenly stop. I can still escape from it and continue with the mission, but it is really bothersome. It may be because I have a fast cd-rom. I have a windows ME with a 166 megahertz (?). Could someone help me out please?
I really doubt it's the CD-ROM. Sounds like a sound card issue. If you can get into your sound card options, see if you can do things like toggle the duplex options or enable/disable sound card hardware acceleration.
If it's an old, old CD ROM drive it could be a caching issue, I guess... But that'd be in the 4x and lower range. The playing too fast thing sounds weird for that too, though. Weird video things *do* tend to be related to sound cards. So looking at that first makes the most sense.
I used to have this problem in windows ME with my DOS version of WC3. I'm not really sure why windows does this, but most of the time it loads the game exactly how you described it and sometimes it will work properly. I know this sounds tedious, but you have to keep exiting the game and starting it again and again until you see the intro movie loading properly, as this shows you it has worked.

Since it works sometimes, there must be some options in windows that you can change to make it work more reliably, but I never figured it out myself. I just kept restarting the game until it worked (which can sometimes take quite a few tries).
another thing...

I also have to mention that when I go into missions, sometimes I can see the dialogue from others but not voices. When I respond, it doesn't seem to go through,
example: cannot dock at victory because message of need clearance is used but there was no sound or dialogue, therefore no clearance. I had to eject to keep going.
The sound is another problem that occurred for me as well. Even if the movies work properly when you run the game, every time you start a mission, there is always a possibiltiy that the sound will cut out like you said and you can't get landing clearance. I'm afraid you have to restart the game again to get the sound working once more.

Alternatively, if you register on these forums, I can put up on YouSendIt the patch that makes the DOS version win9x compatible (includes winME) and I can send you the link in a private message. For me, this solved every problem you described.
I just got WC3 to run with DOSBox, but during mission play, the DOSBox application just suddenly and randomly crashes. Their is no error message or hang-up, it just quits. What's the deal?
? Didn't I already reply to your question about the random crashes in another thread this morning? Or was that somebody else?
Anyway: Make sure you use normal core and not dynamic, since dynamic causes such crashes you described. - But keep in mind, that you can only run lower cycles with normal core without getting choppy sound.

At luminon: The patch you are talking about converts the Dos version to the Kilrathi Saga Version - it's legality is doubtfull...
Anyway: Even Kilrathi Saga WC3 does not run for everyone (including me)
Yeah, I'm also not sure if it would be legal, but just as this updates WC3 to KS, there is a patch to update WC4 DOS to win95 even though there is the win95 DVD version. Based on this, should we not be able to patch WC3, since we already own a lisence to play the game having bought the original DOS version? Whether or not this makes sense, if someone can tell me that it's definitely illegal, then I won't post any links.

The reason KS WC3 does not run for everyone is probably because the majority of people have winXP and the game was customised for win9x. So it should be fine for anyone with winME, which includes Dorne.
The patch you are talking about converts the Dos version to the Kilrathi Saga Version - it's legality is doubtfull...

How would this be any different than any of the other patches and fan projects available at the CIC? It wouldn't be distributing a commercial game, and you would need to own a copy of WC3 to make use of it. While technically an issue, EA isn't loosing sales of the kilrathi Saga from this.
Didn't I already reply to your question about the random crashes in another thread this morning? Or was that somebody else?
Anyway: Make sure you use normal core and not dynamic, since dynamic causes such crashes you described. - But keep in mind, that you can only run lower cycles with normal core without getting choppy sound.

Thanks. Problem solved!
AD said:
How would this be any different than any of the other patches and fan projects available at the CIC? It wouldn't be distributing a commercial game, and you would need to own a copy of WC3 to make use of it. While technically an issue, EA isn't loosing sales of the kilrathi Saga from this.
Like I said: It's doubtfull.
I mean: I have got the KS-version as well and was able to patch my german DOS WC3 to a German KS WC3 version WITHOUT that patch, but just by copying some files of the KS version. - So it's not really a fan-made project...
And to the WC4 patch: That one was published by EA itself, if I remember it correctly. So that's a totally different story.
Anyway: As long as you can't download that patch here at, I doubt its legality. - Best way to find out if it's legal or not, is to ask the admins, they should know for sure...