Wing Commander DOS and Win98



Hey guys,

Just recently, I dug up a CD I had called "Wing Commander: Deluxe Edition" (Basically it's Wing Commander that comes with both the Secret Missions). I installed it, and it plays fine, music works, and everything.

Except for one thing: It runs too fast. I tried using Moslo on it, but even if I set it to run at 1% of my total system speed (I've only got a 500MHZ computer), it still runs too fast for me to handle combat effectively.

Does anyone know any other slowdown programs I should try or anything else that might help me get Wing Commander running up to speed (or down to speed, rather?)

Thanks in advance.
What CPU is that? PentiumIII? K6-3? something else? I ask, cause for my K6-2 400Mhz switching off both internal and external CPU cache in BIOS solved the problem. But keep in mind, that this will slow down your whole PC drastically (it runs about as fast as a 386 with 33Mhz or so).
My computer is a K6-2 with 500MHZ. Seeing as to how we've got nearly similar computers, I think mine would have the same results.
Fortunately, my BIOS does. Thanks.

It still runs a MITE too fast, but I think Moslo can handle it from there.

I'm also looking into DOS emulators in case I decide this BIOS stuff is too much of a pain. Can you name any good ones that work in Win98? I tried DOSbox, but I couldn't get it to work right--it never presents me with a command prompt, instead it stops doing anything after telling me it loaded the sound and my joystick.
It's still too fast? OH well, I guess your Mobo/Memory etc are better than mine then ;) To the DOS emulator: Even if DosBox was running, it would be very likely that it'll be too slow on that PC. But I don't know anymore DOS emus that'll run on your rig, sorry :(
Actually, if I change the BIOS and then Moslo it down to 70 percent or less, it runs at a manageable speed. The only problem then is that.... well I usually run it straight out of the command prompt and for some reason it starts it with only limited music (it won't play music during actual missions). I don't see why it does this, since if I boot up all the way to Win98 it has no problems playing full music. But I guess it's a small price to pay to finally be able to play Wing Commander (well... actually I was introduced to the game via the SNES version, which is still always an option).
Hey,m sorry to resurrect a thread, but I need to know if the before-mentioned methods will also work for WC2, 3, 4, and all the other pre-Prophecy WC games.
Are you talking about the slow down methods? That works with WC 2 as well and is not needed for wc3 and wc4.
And to get wc4 working, the easiest way is to use the windows patch, anyway.
Never tried privateer 1 and 2 and armada under real dos, so I can't tell whether you need to slow down them as well or not, sorry. :( - But normally those methods (cpu cache disabling and moslo) should work, if needed.
P2 should work from the start if nothing conflicts with the speed limiter
P1 should work without speed limiter as well. Might need one however on very very fast systems (seem to recall having sound problems otherwise on some systems).