Wing Commander Arena Dogfight Night

What nights are you available for some Arena?

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Hey guys; please participate in the poll. It'll help me to gauge when the majority of people are the most available for a weekly Wing Commander Arena game night.

I'll be keeping a killboard for every game I happen to attend - a chore that a volunteer could pick up in the event I cannot make it one night. I'll post the board standings here on the forums.

But first thing's first - lemme know what days you're available!
Generally speaking, that would be friday (starting at 10.30 pm) and saturday nights because I won't have to work the next day. But weekends also tend to be the days where much stuff gets stuffed in.

Of course, that's all German time zone.
I should have mentioned sooner; I'm in the US, East Coast specifically, so this is probably going to work out better for North Americans. Still, if someone overseas wants to handle a European / Asian / whatever variant, that'd be more than welcome.
Like Mekt-Hakkikt, I'm having the German time zone problem. We're six hours ahead of US East Coast time, so I guess that's really a problem. For what it's worth, I could spare some time in the afternoons...
For mine, keep in mind that my schedule can vary depending on the requirements of work. I work 3rd shift (US east coast), so I won't really be all that available for the days I'm scheduled (work at night, sleep in the day, with generally only the morning or so when no one's around).
Next semester I'll be available (bought the game last night along with the Halo 3 map pack) anyday except for Mondays and Wednesdays, as I have to get up earlier the next day for my internship (woohoo...).
Things are kind of crazy at home for me right now, but they should settle down in three to six weeks... after that I should be available for Arena games pretty much any night.
Once I get my 360 back I'll need to catch up on all the gaming I'm missing so I'll be done whenever.
My shifts at work are all normally the evening shift. So anyday after say 10:30 PM I am available. Just add me to you friends list:


I'm usually on after work (360 or Wii ~~~).
I should have mentioned sooner; I'm in the US, East Coast specifically, so this is probably going to work out better for North Americans. Still, if someone overseas wants to handle a European / Asian / whatever variant, that'd be more than welcome.

Any takers?
Are people really more available on Sunday night than Friday or Saturday night? Or are people thinking days? As many people have said, time is just as much a factor as which day of the week. If you hit the right day/time, you don't have to worry about separate European games. Maybe Saturday afternoon and you hit everybody.
Times between 7 and 10pm US Central Time (GMT -6 I think) Tuesday through Saturday would generally work better for me.
So with the data we have, someone should probably pick a time. The upcoming holiday could make things difficult, or it could open up a big window of time for people who have next week off.