Wing Commander 4 Playstation One Omissions

Did they omit the autoslide and the ability to have more than one wingman too? I checked over the booklet of the ps1 version and noticed there is no controls listed to autoslide in the banshee, bearcat, or the dragon. Half way through the game I also noticed that during several briefings, Blair states that "he's going to take two wingmen up with him" yet during the missions I only have one! Anyone know how to autoslide or if this was an omission as well?
Straight from my head you fly the mission where eisen and maniac is on the run with both catscratch and vagabond on your wing, if you choose to defect both pilots will join you, if you stay with confed, catscratch supports you but vagabond tries to kill you, forcing you to kill him and cutting short on a large piece of the storyline.

And I think that is the only mission where you fly with two wingmen off of the lexington.