wing commander 3 & 4 joystick problems



Hi there.

I was wondering if anyone here could help me with some problems I've been having.

I run a windowsME system, and recently after aquiring a dirt cheap copy of the Kilrathi Saga, have gone back and reinstalled all the wing commander games I have.

Unfortunately, I'm having problems getting my joystick to work in both windows versions of WC3 & WC4.

My joystick is an old PC terminator, logic 3 joystick and can emulate both thrusmaster and CH flightsticks.

While I have it setup as Thrustmaster, whenever I try and run WC 3 & 4 the joystick drifts, alwas to the lower right hand corner of the screen. I've tried multiple configurations, setting it up as a standard two axis joystick, joystick patches from CIC and on the disks, Alt-C centreing, absolutely everything i can think of but I still can't get the damn thing to work without drifting.

Both WC 1 & 2 work just fine with it, with the stick only drifting occasionally and then only requiring a tap to steady it.

Please, does anyone have any suggestions?