Win2k pro DOS

I'm not sure it's possible. Not that I know anything about Win2000, though... Let's see... You'll need real DOS (HD using FAT32 instead of NTFS, if it's an option) - not a DOS-window, but booted to DOS, emm386.exe (limit to 16384!), himem.sys or similar, DOS-drivers for soundcard, mouse (optional), CD-ROM (if you're using the CD-version), preferably an analogue gameport joystick...
How many of those do you have? It'll probably be easiest to see by looking through autoexec.bat and config.sys.
Originally posted by wmaham1701
Does anyone know how to get Privateer 1 to run in the Win2k dos command program?? or how to modify it to run priv??

Priv1 does not run in any Windows.

Make a Win98 boot disk and boot it in DOS. There are some threads on this subject in the Tech Support section.