Why the **** did they remove that?


Rear Admiral
I've recently been playing the original versions of WC1 and 2, the Kilrathi Saga and Privateer, and I noticed something that strikes me odd:

In WC1 and 2, when you got shot at, the scanner flashed red in the section you got hit. For some reason, this is gone in KS and Privateer (I haven't played any other WCs). Now WHY would they remove an extremely useful feature like that?:mad:
IIRC, it existed in the first place for people who played the original two games without sound cards... by the later releases, the technology had become so widespread (thanks to the original two games!) that it wasn't necessary anymore.
They actually made the effort to remove it? So was KS a whole rewrite of the code? WC1/2 are quite easy to run on Win9x, it's just their speed that's difficult to play with.