Who was your favorite kilrathi?

Melek, he always seemed to be smarter than Thrakhath, he seemed more honourable as well, a la
"In my bones I wish to kill you" speech at the end of WCIII, I think Thrakhath would've topped blair anyway, if it had been him instead of melek
I got just the opposite feeling from Melek -- he simply sucked up to whoever could get him the most power.
The Kilrathi Emperor is my favourite, he gave the best speeches. :)
Of course, Ralgha has a special place in my heart too.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I got just the opposite feeling from Melek -- he simply sucked up to whoever could get him the most power.

that makes him the smart one, hence he seemed to have inherited the Assembly of Clans in WCIV ( the game, correct me if it is different in the book, i haven't read it)
i would have to say my favourite is Hobbes. I thought he was a great buddy and a good wingman and Blair certainly regarded him very highly. the shock i got from his betrayal is also what makes him my favourite Kilrathi.... it was such a shock to me because he was such a nice guy before 'the trigger'. the cats sure did their homework on making a convincing personality. he fooled me!
Well, the Emperor lost his eye and leg in combat... and Thrakhath was considered the empire's finest fighter pilot. (And the previous prince, Gilkarg fought at Goddard... and his son Ratha died flying at McAuliffe... and so on...).
Two Thoughts on Melek

<bland exposition> I haven't been around here in a long time; "real life" keeps intruding on my otherwise idyllic existence for long periods at a time, which irritates me to no end. It's pretty cool to see that this place is still going strong after all this time. Gotta love WC. </bland exposition>

Anyway, my point in posting would be: In the games, I can very much see LOAF's point about Melek just sort of going whichever the way the wind is blowing, which doesn't inspire a whole lotta respect.

On the other hand, from what I recall of the WC3 novel, (with the kind of additional knowledge you can really only get in the printed form) you get the sense that Melek is much more intelligent and even more honorable thank Thrakath, and that his kowtowing to Thrakath and Blair is not that. Instead, under Thrakath he's trying to tread a path to hold on to enough power to influence decsions. Then, when he's out from under Thrakath's grip at the end of the war, he does what he thinks is right with regard to Blair.

So based on that bias, Melek is probably my favorite. Thrakath would probably be the runner up, for his tenacity if nothing else.
*Thrakhath* At least get WC spelling right. ;) If it wasn't for him, Confed would have probably lost.

Just judging from the game cutscenes, Melek seems like a chummy Kat, but, of course, I don't have the insights which the novels no doubt give.

But I still favour Hobbes. The 'artificial' Hobbes, anyway. He might have been fake, but while he was alive, he was the best in my mind. Heh, it depends on a "certain point of view" - one can say that Hobbes was murdered by Thrakhath. :)