Which Kilrathi fighter do you like?


Petty Officer
So, what Kilrathi fighter do you like the best, and why?

I myself am quite fond of the Dralthi VII from Privateer. It also may have something to do with it being the first furball kill I ever had, Privateer being my first Wing Commander game. Having played through all of the games in the series, the Dralthi VII is still my favorite. I love the look of it, and I have always thought it has prettier lines than the Dralthi IV (though they are also pretty nice). Every time I think of the Kilrathi, the Dralthi VII is the first image that pops into my head.
Most of them are pretty awesome, but anything vicious looking with tons of firepower. Grikath, Jalkehi, WC3 Bloodfang, Vaktoth, etc.
obviously, I'm a Dralthi fan just for the shape (any and all of them) but my favorite fighter to tangle with, and also the most soul-crushing is definitely the Gothri from Privateer
I love all of the WC 1 birds but my tied top two are probably that era Dralthi and the Gratha.
Hmmm... have to use the term 'like' in an interesting way. As I voted in the poll, the Jalthi is the scariest fighter for me to fly against, so I could almost say that it is my favorite Kilrathi fighter in that I have a healthy respect for it (I think the more correct term is 'fear').

What would I fly if given the chance though? Strakha. Or Shok'lar. Stealth all the way. Loved Armada for that.

What is my favorite Kilrathi ship design (aesthetically)? This one:


I really wish we had seen this in the film!
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I'm actually partial to the WC3 designs. I like the idea of the Kilrathi designing their ships to look like fighting weapons.

I'd have to say the Strakha and Vaktoth would be my own. I also like the look of the Paktahn. It looks like a giant wedge that is going to blast your through hull.
I agree with Dundradal, but that isn't much of a surprise since I am a fan of the WC3 Style anyway.
I never liked the round WC2 style that much. I even prefer the WC1 ones.

To answer the question: Dralthi IV and Vaktoth are my favourites, although the other WC3 fighters are not far behind.
The Gothri is very nice--it is faster and more nimble than anything of comparable weaponry that the Kilrathi have up to that point in the timeline, and overall feels to me like it's a fully equal match to the Confed Sabre. The Privateer version shows it as the equal of the Centurion as well (and the Centurion always struck me as being the civilian equivalent of a Rapier or Sabre).

However, for WC3 and later eras, I would go with the Vaktoth. In comparison to the Thunderbolt, it has a smidgen less shields and afterburner speed, and no torpedo, but it has a smidgen better cruising speed and gun loadout, a stronger turret, and an additional pair of missiles. This firmly cements its role as being anti-fighter as compared to the Thunderbolt's hybrid fighter-bomber role.
I am a Gothri fan myself; I love the design and the torpedo capacify is amazing. I wonder if Kilrathi torpedoes are less effective or more prone to failure, perhaps, and that's why their spacecraft would sometimes be designed to carry so many more of them...
I am a Gothri fan myself; I love the design and the torpedo capacify is amazing. I wonder if Kilrathi torpedoes are less effective or more prone to failure, perhaps, and that's why their spacecraft would sometimes be designed to carry so many more of them...
I would think they're more prone to failure, as the Kilrathri more than likely used slaves to assemble them in the factories (like they mention in Action Stations). It was that fact that saved the Concordia in Action Stations from being destroyed.
I've always liked the ships that look the most intimidating -Jalthi, with it's six claws and predatory profile: It still has me sweating a little if encountered in great numbers during WC1 - a psychological menace more than anything, but to you and the crew of the 'Claw, it was the Kilrathi 'danger' ship of the time.

Close second tied between Vaktoth and Sorthak. Different to Jalthi, in that more often they actually pose a potent threat. As above though, just plain scary ships to encounter - Vaktoth very tough to fight against in WC3, Sorthak could be a nightmare if you're in the wrong ship (think Arrow with smashed front armour). Both look great.
Yeah that's a good take. I'd love to get connections like that into the continuity.

Another fandom backstory I like is that the Hhriss is Kilrah's first attempt to build a fighter to human specifications instead of one that's mass produced and expendable.
Favorite cat fighter....favorite cat fighter.........I don't think I have one, to be honest. The original Salthi reminds me a lot of the first car I ever owned (i.e. a beat up worthless P.O.S. that looks like a late '80s Ford Escort). In terms of shear coolness, I have to go with the Vaktoth, though the Dralthi-IX/Shank from Arena has an awesome silhouette - reminds me of the Bat Symbol. The Shok'lar was fun to fly.

Of course, in terms of scariness, it's always the Jalthi. Six guns of death and Claw Marks does a good job of making you scared of 'em.
Yeah that's a good take. I'd love to get connections like that into the continuity.

Another fandom backstory I like is that the Hhriss is Kilrah's first attempt to build a fighter to human specifications instead of one that's mass produced and expendable.

Funny you say that, I've often thought the same of the Gratha. It's kind of an oddball to the rest of the Kilrathi fighters in the game, it looks vaguely human (like an aeroplane fuselage) and has a gun loadout similar to the Raptor. I seem to recall it's a 2650s ship, by which point the Kilrathi would have had a few decades to study human design. The Hhriss appears to the same, perhaps Kilrah's answer to the Rapier II.
I like all Dralthi Designs and I also like Jalthi and I respect it a lot.
That fighter scared me back then :)

About the continuinity ,how can we explain the Wc2 ---->Wc3 sudden asymmetric designs...?!?
If we're talking ships to fear, I have to say the Hhriss from SM2.
Although well armed, I never really had much fear of Jalthi, as they were slow and easy to get behind and blast. The Hhriss however was just such a tough nut to crack and well armed too.
I like all Dralthi Designs and I also like Jalthi and I respect it a lot.
That fighter scared me back then :)

About the continuinity ,how can we explain the Wc2 ---->Wc3 sudden asymmetric designs...?!?

Think of it from a game design point of view, fans wanted new ships - Origin decided the new line would be a an almost clean break. It's explained in the game literature though. The ships in WC3 are part of the new insight into Kilrathi social structure, Victory Streak outlines asymetric design is common in Kilrathi clothing/ship design. In many cases the ships appear to be shaped like fangs and claws, intented to intimidate Confed pilots. The asymetric thing wasn't canon before WC3, although it's arguably visible in the cutscenes that show Kilrathi clothing, and in WC2 Thrakath wears ear-rings only on one ear. Pretty thin I guess.
The asymetric thing wasn't canon before WC3, although it's arguably visible in the cutscenes that show Kilrathi clothing, and in WC2 Thrakath wears ear-rings only on one ear. Pretty thin I guess.
Actually, both Prince Thrakhath and Maniac wear ear-rings in both ears :). The game only has graphics for one profile, so whenever you have a cutscene that has a character facing right instead of left, his face is simply mirrored.